[Abstract]:The Komeito Party, as a member of Japan's United regime, has an important influence on Japan's internal and foreign affairs. In the 1970s, the Komeito Party and the Soka Gakkai Society separated the state and religion, and divided and reorganized in the 1990s. Since they joined the joint administration in 1999, Its political party structure, the image of parliament, its position in the power structure, its relationship with the LDP, its security policy, and its relationship with the Soka Gakkai Society have all changed. The Komeito Party has long adhered to the policy of friendship with China and has played an important role in the development of Sino-Japanese relations: building bridges and paving the way in the process of normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, and actively promoting the development of Sino-Japanese friendly and cooperative relations after the normalization of diplomatic relations, Under the circumstances of major changes in the international structure and complicated and changeable relations between the two countries, Japan and China have always maintained friendship. In recent years, new changes have taken place in Japan's internal and external situation, but the basic concept of "midway doctrine" and the fundamental principle of "being with the people" have not changed. The main policy features of the Komeito Party are to adhere to pacifism and implement the welfare of the people. The Komeito Party can still play an important role in the development of Sino-Japanese relations in the future.
【作者单位】: 日本创价大学;
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