发布时间:2019-03-13 18:50
[Abstract]:Under the background of the new era, ecological problems have brought a great impact on human production and life. The government should carry out ecological governance and improve the living environment of human beings. Ecological governance is a complex and systematic process. It is necessary to build ecological consultation democracy to expand public participation and improve governance efficiency. This paper is to study the connotation and practice of eco-negotiation democracy. Firstly, the paper defines the concept of ecological consultation democracy, puts forward that ecological consultation democracy is an organic combination of ecological democracy and consultation democracy, and takes consultation democracy as a way to realize ecological democracy, which forms a new way of decision-making. Ecological governance model and political expression. The source of the organic combination of the two lies in the convergence of ecological democracy and consultative democracy, the integration of which can provide participation qualifications for non-human subjects and futurists, and provide unrestricted dialogue, Can promote social learning and help promote legitimacy in decision-making. However, in the construction of eco-negotiation democracy, the representation of the "affected other" is not easy to be realized, the rights of the main body of consultation are easily infringed, and there is a tension dilemma between the negotiation process and the result of consultation. In the face of the dilemma, the article proposes to strengthen the design of the democratic system of ecological consultation, first of all, to create and realize the representation of the "affected other", and first, to improve the environmental reporting system and the environmental impact assessment system. Second, it is necessary to expand the influence of professional environmental advocates; third, to establish special procedures and decision-making rules to protect the weak; Secondly, it is necessary to expand and standardize the procedural requirements of consultation democracy, first, to improve the knowledge base of participants in environmental decision-making consultation, and second, to explore and build a complete dialogue mechanism and rules. Third, it is necessary to reduce the interference of external forces such as power and money on the consultation process, and fourth, to strengthen the ecological responsibility of consultative democracy; Finally, we should expand and protect citizens' environmental rights, including the right to know about the environment and the right to participate in the environment. With the institutional design, it is necessary to demonstrate whether ecological consultative democracy can be established in China. This paper holds that there are rich and various forms of consultation practice in China, including political consultation system, grass-roots consultation democracy, social consultation dialogue and so on, which provide a profound realistic basis for the realization of ecological consultation democracy. In addition, we should strengthen the interaction with Western consultative democracy, clarify the relationship between consultative democracy and voting democracy, and expand and create new forms of realization.
[Abstract]:Under the background of the new era, ecological problems have brought a great impact on human production and life. The government should carry out ecological governance and improve the living environment of human beings. Ecological governance is a complex and systematic process. It is necessary to build ecological consultation democracy to expand public participation and improve governance efficiency. This paper is to study the connotation and practice of eco-negotiation democracy. Firstly, the paper defines the concept of ecological consultation democracy, puts forward that ecological consultation democracy is an organic combination of ecological democracy and consultation democracy, and takes consultation democracy as a way to realize ecological democracy, which forms a new way of decision-making. Ecological governance model and political expression. The source of the organic combination of the two lies in the convergence of ecological democracy and consultative democracy, the integration of which can provide participation qualifications for non-human subjects and futurists, and provide unrestricted dialogue, Can promote social learning and help promote legitimacy in decision-making. However, in the construction of eco-negotiation democracy, the representation of the "affected other" is not easy to be realized, the rights of the main body of consultation are easily infringed, and there is a tension dilemma between the negotiation process and the result of consultation. In the face of the dilemma, the article proposes to strengthen the design of the democratic system of ecological consultation, first of all, to create and realize the representation of the "affected other", and first, to improve the environmental reporting system and the environmental impact assessment system. Second, it is necessary to expand the influence of professional environmental advocates; third, to establish special procedures and decision-making rules to protect the weak; Secondly, it is necessary to expand and standardize the procedural requirements of consultation democracy, first, to improve the knowledge base of participants in environmental decision-making consultation, and second, to explore and build a complete dialogue mechanism and rules. Third, it is necessary to reduce the interference of external forces such as power and money on the consultation process, and fourth, to strengthen the ecological responsibility of consultative democracy; Finally, we should expand and protect citizens' environmental rights, including the right to know about the environment and the right to participate in the environment. With the institutional design, it is necessary to demonstrate whether ecological consultative democracy can be established in China. This paper holds that there are rich and various forms of consultation practice in China, including political consultation system, grass-roots consultation democracy, social consultation dialogue and so on, which provide a profound realistic basis for the realization of ecological consultation democracy. In addition, we should strengthen the interaction with Western consultative democracy, clarify the relationship between consultative democracy and voting democracy, and expand and create new forms of realization.
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