发布时间:2019-05-29 20:03
【摘要】: 在全球化日益发展的今天,世界各国在注重经济、军事等硬权力竞争的同时越来越注重软权力的竞争。国家形象是国际社会公众对一国客观状况总体上、综合性的认知和评价,是一国软权力重要的组成部分。良好的国家形象有利于一国取得国际社会的理解与信任,增进国际合作,有利于一国对外战略目标的实现,因此塑造良好的国家形象越来越受到世界各国的重视。 四年一届的夏季奥林匹克运动是当今全球规模最为宏大的体育盛会,经过百年的发展,奥运会的意义早已超出了体育运动本身,历史的经验表明奥运会已经成为举办国塑造和提升本国形象的契机和舞台。2008年奥运会在北京举行,为中国提供了一个千载难逢的展示自我、塑造形象的平台,而奥运的成功举办则提升了中国的国家形象。 本文从国际关系学的角度探讨了奥运会在塑造提升中国国家形象所起的作用。本文介绍和梳理了国家形象的概念,从主流国际关系理论的角度指出国家形象在国际关系中的重要性,分析了奥运会在塑造和提升国家形象中作用,并具体分析了北京奥运会如何塑造和提升了中国的国家形象。
[Abstract]:With the development of globalization, the countries of the world pay more attention to the competition of soft power while emphasizing the hard-power competition of economy and military. The national image is the general and comprehensive cognition and evaluation of the international public to a country's objective condition, which is an important part of the soft power of the country. The good national image is good for a country to acquire the understanding and trust of the international community, to enhance international cooperation, and to be conducive to the realization of the external strategic goal of a country, so that the good national image is becoming more and more important to all the countries of the world. The four-year-old Summer Olympic Movement is the most ambitious sports event in the world today. After a hundred years of development, the significance of the Olympic Games has long gone beyond the sports transport The experience of history shows that the Olympic Games have become an opportunity and stage for the host country to shape and promote its image. In 2008, the 2008 Olympic Games was held in Beijing, providing China with a unique platform for demonstrating self-and image-making, and the successful hosting of the Olympic Games has promoted the country's state The article, from the angle of international relations, discusses the Olympic Games in shaping and promoting the Chinese nation The article introduces and combs the concept of the national image, points out the importance of the national image in international relations from the angle of the theory of the mainstream international relations, and analyzes the molding and promotion of the Olympic Games The role of the national image and the concrete analysis of how the Beijing Olympic Games can be shaped and promoted
[Abstract]:With the development of globalization, the countries of the world pay more attention to the competition of soft power while emphasizing the hard-power competition of economy and military. The national image is the general and comprehensive cognition and evaluation of the international public to a country's objective condition, which is an important part of the soft power of the country. The good national image is good for a country to acquire the understanding and trust of the international community, to enhance international cooperation, and to be conducive to the realization of the external strategic goal of a country, so that the good national image is becoming more and more important to all the countries of the world. The four-year-old Summer Olympic Movement is the most ambitious sports event in the world today. After a hundred years of development, the significance of the Olympic Games has long gone beyond the sports transport The experience of history shows that the Olympic Games have become an opportunity and stage for the host country to shape and promote its image. In 2008, the 2008 Olympic Games was held in Beijing, providing China with a unique platform for demonstrating self-and image-making, and the successful hosting of the Olympic Games has promoted the country's state The article, from the angle of international relations, discusses the Olympic Games in shaping and promoting the Chinese nation The article introduces and combs the concept of the national image, points out the importance of the national image in international relations from the angle of the theory of the mainstream international relations, and analyzes the molding and promotion of the Olympic Games The role of the national image and the concrete analysis of how the Beijing Olympic Games can be shaped and promoted
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1 郭华;;体育传播塑造国家形象的途径[J];青年记者;2012年29期