[Abstract]:In the long history of the evolution of human political civilization, party politics in socialist countries, as a new political form, has experienced 100 years of development. The exploration of party politics in socialist countries for a hundred years involves the two major fields of Marxist ruling party management and governance, which are reflected in inner-party relations, party-government relations, party-society relations and foreign relations. After the first time of Soviet Union and Russia, multinational practice and its setbacks, China, Vietnam and other countries in the new historical starting point of innovation and development of three historical periods. Summing up a hundred years of experience, establishing the basic political system of political parties in socialist countries and giving full play to their institutional advantages, carrying out fruitful theoretical reflection and value cognition with the Marxist ruling party, Adhere to the truth with extraordinary strategic determination and level, correct mistakes, and constantly open up a new realm of theoretical understanding and practical development. Party politics in socialist countries in the 21st century, Vigorously developing and promoting the modernization process of socialist countries and constantly shaping and perfecting the practical forces of party politics in socialist countries, which are unified in the broad historical process of the sustainable development of socialist system civilization. It is bound to have a great and far-reaching impact on the construction of a better future for mankind.
【作者单位】: 山东大学马克思主义学院;山东大学当代社会主义研究所;
【基金】:作者主持的国家社科基金规划重点项目“马克思主义执政党治国理政与自身建设关系研究”(批准号10AKS003) 国家社科基金规划专项工程项目“十八大以来党中央治国理政党建思想的科学内涵与创新发展研究”(批准号16ZZD043)的阶段性成果
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