[Abstract]:Mao Zedong is the main founder of the Communist Party of China and the people's Republic of China, the great leader and mentor of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people, and the great theorist and practitioner of Marxism. He creatively inherited and developed Marxism by combining the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete reality of Chinese revolutionary construction, and initiated the great process of Sinicization of Marxism. In particular, it made great theoretical contributions to the Sinicization of Marxist philosophy, which not only laid the theoretical and practical foundation for the continued Sinicization of Marxist philosophy, but also for the later Chinese revolution. The healthy development of construction and reform provides a guide to action and a fundamental method. Therefore, it is not only of great theoretical significance, but also of great practical significance, but also of far-reaching historical significance to study Mao Zedong's great contribution to the Sinicization of Marxist philosophy. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion. The introduction summarizes the significance of this topic, research methods, as well as the research status at home and abroad. The main body includes three contents: one is to analyze the historical necessity of the Sinicization of Marxist philosophy, the other is to discuss Mao Zedong's main contribution to the Sinicization of Marxist philosophy, which is the core content of the full text. Third, it discusses some important enlightenment provided by Mao Zedong to the Sinicization of Marxist philosophy. The conclusion summarizes the research conclusions, innovations and shortcomings of this paper.
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