本文选题:历史画 切入点:历史题材 出处:《中国国家博物馆馆刊》2017年06期
[Abstract]:In ancient China, Since the pre-Qin Dynasty, there has been a tradition of drawing historical paintings. Historical paintings have been kept in "Chuci Tian". Zhang Yanyuan's Records of famous paintings of the past dynasties and Guo Ruoxu's works of seeing and hearing pictures have described the paintings from the six dynasties to the Tang and Song dynasties. Home paintings of historical subjects, It is also stated that the principle of authenticity must be observed when drawing historical paintings. In ancient Chinese paintings that have been handed down to this day, There are many paintings of historical subjects drawn by painters of all ages. At the same time, there are also works created by many generations of painters that depict the characters or social objects of the time and customs, which can also be included in the scope of historical paintings. In the Western world, There is also a tradition of drawing historical paintings in history. The existing Western historical paintings also include two kinds of contents: one is the painting of historical subjects created by painters; the other is the painting of the social life of the time painted by painters of different periods, which has been handed down to the present. In modern China, on the basis of learning Western paintings, painters also made new attempts to paint historical paintings. After the founding of New China, There is a new upsurge in historical painting. Two principles must be followed in the creation of historical painting: first, to attach importance to the authenticity of history, and second, to supplement each other with the artistry of the work.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院考古研究所;
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