发布时间:2018-04-11 10:32
本文选题:高句丽 + 兵器 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 高句丽政权是我国东北地区的少数民族建立的地方政权,建立于公元前37年,亡于公元668年。由于资源匮乏,缺吃少穿,高句丽人不断地对周边地区进行侵占和掠夺,也屡次遭到周边各种势力的打击,再加上高句丽人性格凶急,纵观整个高句丽历史,战争不断。所以高句丽人几乎全民皆兵,兵器在高句丽人生活中占有重要地位,平时可以当做狩猎的工具,战时当做武器。兵器在高句丽人生活中占用如此重要的地位,兵器的研究对于全面的了解高句丽人生活的情况有重要意义。 目前发现的高句丽的兵器可分为镞、刀、矛、甲、剑、弩、削、钉履八种。大部分形制与中原文明类似,也有些器物带有明显的高句丽特色,比如,铲形镞就是区别于中原农耕文化的一种器物。很多带有自己特色的器物的发现,证明高句丽人自己能够制造兵器,但是,制造用的范和冶炼加工兵器的作坊遗址缺没有发现, 在高句丽壁画中有很多射猎和战争的场面,其中有大量的兵器形象出现,比如通沟十二号墓中的斩俘图中可见甲胄和长刀的形象,山城下墓葬332号墓的射猎图可见弓和箭的使用情况等等,对于高句丽兵器的研究来说是非常重要的材料。 中国的和朝鲜的《三国史记》中也有不少对于高句丽的记载,其中提到的战争和兵器的记录也是重要的参考资料。 本文将考古材料进行整理和分类,结合壁画和文献,对于一些兵器的用途进行探讨。对于高句丽兵器的分期等问题进行了初步的研究。
[Abstract]:Koguryo regime was established by ethnic minorities in Northeast China. It was established in 37 BC and died in 668 AD.Because of the scarcity of resources and the shortage of food and clothing, the Koguryo people constantly invaded and plundered the surrounding areas, and were repeatedly attacked by various forces around them. In addition, the Koguryo people had a fierce character, and throughout the history of Koguryo, the war continued.Therefore, the Koguryo people are almost all soldiers, weapons play an important role in the life of the Koguryo people, peacetime can be used as hunting tools, war as a weapon.Weapons occupy such an important position in the life of Koguryo people, and the study of weapons is of great significance to the comprehensive understanding of the living conditions of Koguryo people.The weapons found at present can be divided into arrowheads, knives, spears, armour, swords, crossbows, cuts and nails.Most of the forms are similar to the Central Plains civilization, and some objects have obvious Koguryo characteristics. For example, the shovel arrowhead is a kind of utensils that are different from the farming culture of the Central Plains.The discovery of many objects with their own characteristics proved that the Koguryo people were able to make their own weapons. However, the ruins of the workshops used for manufacturing and smelting weapons were not found.In the murals of Koguryo, there are many scenes of shooting, hunting and war. Among them, there are a large number of images of weapons, such as the images of armour and long knives in the chopping picture in Tomb No. 12 of Tonggou.The shooting map of Tomb 332 under the mountain city shows the use of bows and arrows, which is an important material for the study of Koguryo's weapons.There are also many records of Koguryo in the History of the three Kingdoms in China and Korea, and the records of war and weapons mentioned therein are also important reference materials.In this paper, archaeological materials are sorted and classified, and the use of some weapons is discussed in combination with mural paintings and literature.This paper makes a preliminary study on the stages of Koguryo weapon.
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