[Abstract]:A. D. 523, Binyang in the end the completion of the cave. Perhaps the Northern Wei Emperor Xuanwu did not expect that the group of caves dug in memory of his father, Emperor Xiaowen, and his mother, Queen Wen Zhou, took nearly 1/4 centuries to build only the 1/3 originally planned. The remaining two north-south holes, to be left more than 100 years after the completion of the Tang Dynasty. He could not imagine that, nearly 1400 years later, the embossed lines of his parents' devotion to the Buddha would be removed from the complete grotto space and transferred to the displays of the Metropolitan and Nelson museums, from living ceremonial images to sections of the historical torrent. It has become another specimen in the concept of "supporting figure" under the classification of "ancient Chinese art". The conversion of space and the translation of images,
【作者单位】: 中央美术学院人文学院;
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