[Abstract]:Archaeological materials, some Han Dynasty tombs not only stolen, but also suffered varying degrees of fire. The related tombs are mainly distributed in the north-central region of the east and the east, mostly in the middle and late Han dynasties, and the shape of the tombs is relatively complex, which is closely related to the burglaries and the burning of the tombs. Most tombs were burned earlier and concentrated in the late and later stages of the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty. The location of incineration and the destruction of bones, facilities, articles and so on were not only different but also common. The diversity of incineration motivation has great influence on the above contents. Generally speaking, the phenomenon of burglaries stolen and burned in Han Dynasty not only reflects the contents and characteristics of relevant tombs, reflects the corresponding social content and historical background, but also reflects the different conditions of the destruction of tombs. It provides a reference for the study of the stolen or destroyed tombs in Han Dynasty and even in ancient times.
【作者单位】: 南开大学考古学与博物馆学系;南开大学中国社会史研究中心;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(16JJD770028) 天津社科规划重点项目(TJZL16-001) 郑州中华之源与嵩山文明研究会资助课题(Y2015-3)阶段性成果之一
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