本文选题:意见命题意向谓词 + 命题 ; 参考:《外语学刊》2007年04期
[Abstract]:Proposition intention predicate and proposition collocation is one of the common topics in linguistic study of language and linguistic philosophical analysis language. Propositional intention is one of the basic activities of human consciousness and belongs to the world of human consciousness. Proposition is one of the types of human knowledge, corresponding to the world of human life. In fact, the combination of the two is not only the criticism of human beings, but also the main way to interpret the legacies and knowledge of predecessors, and the way to recognize the world of life. Taking the predicate of intention of opinion proposition as an example, the paper divides the world corresponding to proposition into objective world, internal world and external world, which is the development of the world theory of foreign life since the 20th century. The research shows that the combination of propositional intention and propositions is that people (the subject of propositional intention) understand and interpret themselves; everyone stands in the world. Explain yourself with all the knowledge and understanding of the times and the world. Man is in the world and at the same time understands himself through the world.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江大学
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