论协商民主机制在中国环境法治中的应用 [摘要] 环境保护作为公共事务,需要一种公共治理模式,在公共治理中政府、企业与公民社会团体都不是也不应该是唯一的治理主体。环境协商民主机制是建立环境治理主体良性互动网络治理机制的最佳途径,是突破环境法律制度瓶颈的必然选择,是实现环境公共领域良好治理的重要保障。环境协商民主机制在环境法治中能够并应该发挥“造法”功能,为环境法的理念、原则和制度创新提供合法性基础。环境法治需要依赖环境协商民主机制,通过建立和完善相应的程序机制,保障政府、企业和公民社会团体以平等的身份通过民主协商设定各自的行动范围和有效边界,设定各自的权力、权利和义务的内容,实现环境公平正义。环境协商民主在中国还是一个新事物,应受到环境法学界的关注。 [关键词] 公共治理; 协商民主; 环境协商民主机制; 环境法治; 造法功能; 公众参与; 责任追究机制; 环境司法联动机制 Deliberative Democracy Mechanism in the Rule of Chinas Environmental Law Zhou KeTeng Yanjuan (Law School, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China) Abstract: The development history of deliberative democracy itself, as a form of democracy, has only a short span of thirty years. With the rapid development of economic globalization, regional integration discussions and information technology,, interestrelated parties tend to be pluralistic and interest demand tends to be diversified, hence multiple stakeholders need to reach a consensus. Therefore, deliberative democracy itself is also drawing more and more attention of Eastern and Western scholars. The academic research of deliberative democracy mainly focuses on the researches of the basic theory, the connotations of deliberative democracy theory, the orientat