本文选题:经济发展特点 + 国民经济调整 ; 参考:《中国财政》2015年21期
[Abstract]:A new view on tax administration and management of financial affairs the financial person should have the feeling that he should take care of the overall situation and shoulder the heavy responsibilities. Wu Lao's revolutionary career of more than 60 years engaged in financial work for more than 30 years, and from the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China, he began to run down the new rules for the construction of the system. After the "Great Leap forward," he made great efforts to change the national economy, and after the Cultural Revolution he took the heavy responsibility of promoting financial reform and transformation. He bases himself on practice, dares to innovate, and according to the characteristics of national economic development in different periods, This paper puts forward the corresponding ideas and concrete measures of financial management, which plays the role of founder in filling out the blank pages in the history of financial construction in New China, and it is the foundation and development of the financial system and system of our country.
【作者单位】: 财政部条法司;
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