现阶段破解“三农”问题的制度分析.pdf 全文免费在线阅读
现阶段破解“三农”问题的制度分析IVconflicts relating to the issues of the agriculture, countryside and farmers, therebyachieving a fundamental solution to such issues.This paper mainly applies the research methodology of the Marxist economicsand draws upon the research methodology of the Western economics. In essence, theexisting issues of the agriculture, countryside and farmers boil down to the issues offarmers; the crux of the issues is the slow growth of farmers’ es which has itsroots in institutional obstacles. This paper begins with an in-depth analysis of theessence of the issues of the countryside, agriculture and farmers, and, by focusing onhow to resolve the key issue of farmer’s slow e growth, provides an exhaustiveanalysis of the institutional obstacles in eight aspects, including the rural propertyownership system, the transfer of surplus rural labor, the land requisition system, therural business operation system, the rural financial and taxation system, the ruralbankin...