本文关键词: 工伤认定 劳动关系 “48小时”条款 认定程序 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous progress of industrialization in our country, the laws and regulations of social insurance have been continuously improved, and the protection of vulnerable workers has been increased. However, in the socialist market economy, workers in a weak position are in a weak position. The road to safeguarding their rights is still very difficult, especially in the field of industrial injury insurance. Due to historical and practical reasons, there are still many deficiencies in the legal system of industrial injury recognition in our country, and with the development of society, the problems become more and more prominent. It has become the focus of people's attention day by day. Under the condition of imperfect legal system of industrial injury identification in our country, we should deal with the problem of industrial injury identification which has labor relation dispute. It is easy to cause workers or their close relatives to be prevented from receiving timely assistance and suffer secondary injuries. The complexity of industrial injury determination is concentrated in this type of case. Similarly, this type of case also reflects the problems existing in the legal system of industrial injury recognition in China. This paper analyzes a typical background case. According to the focus of the case, this paper puts forward three difficult problems in the process of industrial injury identification in our country, that is, the identification of labor relations in industrial injury disputes, the application of the "48 hours" clause, which has been a controversial issue. This paper analyzes the labor relations and other related concepts through comparative analysis. Combining with the case, this paper discusses the reasonable identification of labor relations from the essential elements in practice. On the application of the "48 hours" clause of industrial injury identification, this paper analyzes from various angles, and finds that the main reasons are:. The rough legislative technique of this clause leads to different understanding of the property of the clause, coupled with the imperfection of the basic principles of industrial injury recognition in our country, and the lack of the guiding concept of combining leniency and severity. This clause is too rigid and controversial in its application. The problems in the procedure of industrial injury identification are mainly manifested in the disharmony between the procedure of determining the labor relations and the procedure of the identification of the industrial injury in the work-related injury dispute. This will lead to the overhead of the right of the industrial injury identification organization and the cycle of the industrial injury identification. Combined with the scholars' idea of resetting the procedure of the industrial injury identification, the paper puts forward some suggestions to further perfect the procedure of the industrial injury identification. With a view to substantive and procedural timely and effective protection of the legitimate rights and interests of workers.
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