本文关键词: 南海区 “三旧”改造 政府职能定位 出处:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of urbanization in China, urban land is becoming increasingly scarce. In order to solve the land dilemma in urbanization, Foshan City, located in the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta and the priority area for economic development, began to explore the "three old" transformation very early. That is, to transform "old towns, old factories and old village houses" to "new cities, new industries and new communities". Nanhai District is Guangdong's first experimental field. In the process of "three old" transformation, Nanhai District has led Guangdong Province to make progress in stages of "three old" transformation. After many years of practice, intensive utilization of land resources has been initially realized in Nanhai District, which has freed up new space for urban development and industrial optimization. In 2014, Nanhai District officially became a new round of comprehensive pilot projects to deepen the "three old" transformation in Guangdong, which is the first pilot project in Guangdong to date. The "three old" transformation is a policy, mass and economic one. Social and marketable work involves a wide range of main bodies and complex processes. Behind the rapid development, the current "three old" transformations still have difficult and complicated problems, such as involving overall planning and land use. Old house demolition and relocation and many other difficult problems, many in the policy and legal level is still a blank; reform planning lag, land rights are defined vaguely, funding channels are narrow, the public lack of orderly participation, the industrial structure is unreasonable, Such problems as inadequate public services and serious environmental pollution, such as inadequate public services such as supporting life, do not allow for good interaction and integration among the people living in the city, which will affect the overall process of transformation. If only the existing and traditional models are adopted, it will be difficult to push ahead. As the leader of the implementation of the "three old" transformation, the main problems existing in the "three old" transformation are the phenomena of "offside", "dislocation" and "absence", which need to be paid more attention to in the following process of the "three old" transformation. Position government functions accurately, take active measures to guide the reform of management ideas and methods, And the innovation and exploration of a series of related policies. This article mainly through the "three old" transformation in different stages of the government's functional positioning, as well as the transformation of functions into ideas, This paper first introduces the background of "three old" transformation in Nanhai District of Foshan City, and analyzes the orientation and connotation of the "three old" transformation of government function in Nanhai District of Foshan City at present. This paper analyzes the theoretical and practical basis for the orientation of government functions, sums up the present situation, existing problems, experience and reasons of the "three old" transformation, analyzes and interprets the dislocation and offside in the implementation of the "three old" transformation and the implementation of government functions. In this paper, the author puts forward some countermeasures for the orientation of the government's function, according to the implementation stage of the "three old" transformation, to realize the plan type strong government to serve the government, the rule of law type government, The transformation of limited liability government and small government into the "three old" transformation of Nanhai District of Foshan City and other cities throughout the country, or the renovation and urban upgrading of the old city provide reference and reference. Finally, from strengthening the supply of public goods to the government, The functions of the government in the process of demolition and transformation are put forward in the following four aspects: strengthening the communication link between the stakeholders, strengthening the supervision and control function of the government and innovating the existing social security system.
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