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发布时间:2018-03-13 01:19

  本文选题:蒙古国 切入点:残疾人 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Through statistics, we can see that the disabled population in China is about 120,000, accounting for about 2.8% of the total population. This is directly related to more than 300,000 families. The number of disabled people in the world is about 610 million. This number is undoubtedly huge. Therefore, We should pay attention to the protection of their rights and interests. At the same time, because the disabled will always exist in society and their various competitions are in a weak position, most of the disabled people themselves are often subjected to physical torture. Sometimes they will also be discriminated against from the outside world. Therefore, they should pay attention to the comprehensive development of the body and mind of the disabled, and ensure the rehabilitation and education of the disabled in all aspects. This paper focuses on the theoretical basis and current situation of the disability security system. Domestic and foreign studies on this system and suggestions on how to improve our country's disability security system are briefly explained. Our government attaches great importance to the protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities, but because of the large number of persons with disabilities themselves, In 2012, the disabled people in our country made a public voice, hoping to get the attention of the government and support from all sides. This kind of phenomenon occurs from time to time. It shows that China should promote the protection of the disabled to a higher level, and improve the relevant laws and regulations has become an urgent problem. Foreign legislation on the disabled provides a reference for the improvement of the social security system in China. At present, most countries have established their own guarantee systems for persons with disabilities, advocating the full enjoyment of their rights and fundamental freedoms by promoting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities. Throughout the world, security for persons with disabilities is moving from single to comprehensive. From the imperfect rule of law to the specific and comprehensive development, the International Disability Federation has also called on States to attach importance to the guarantee of persons with disabilities, Thus strengthening the country's social progress and freedom and democracy. The wave of protection of the disabled throughout the world has brought a clear stream to the cause of safeguarding the disabled in our country. It has played an important role in the construction of the legal society and the protection of the rights and interests of the people in China. How to improve the security system for the disabled in our country is mainly discussed from two aspects: perfecting domestic legislation and establishing special security institutions. Due to the inflexibility and lag of the law, the rigidity of the law and the unreasonable application of the law will inevitably occur in the course of actual operation. Therefore, combining the problems in the guarantee of the disabled in our country and the defects of the law, it is necessary to perfect it. From the social operation, the specialized institutions deal with daily affairs to ensure the fair, reasonable and rapid processing efficiency dual advantages.


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