本文选题:医疗保障权 切入点:基本医疗保险 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Along with the economic development level of our country and people constantly improve the quality of life improved, how to live a decent life of dignity and mental health, has become a top priority for the government and the people's attention. In practice, health departments at all levels in our country, the Civil Affairs Department, made a series of efforts. From 1952 to the establishment of public medical security system and medical insurance system as the main body of the urban medical insurance system to date, China's medical insurance for urban workers, the new rural cooperative medical insurance (hereinafter referred to as the "new") and basic medical insurance for urban residents have been established, China's current implementation of the basic medical insurance coverage. In the legal construction of our country level. The medical insurance legal system and constantly improve the citizens' right to health care "and" human rights "has been written into the constitution of < >, < >" byelaw of inductrial injury insurance, social insurance law etc. Have been introduced. At present, the < < > constitution, social insurance law > law, China has initially established by insurance for urban workers, urban and rural residents and the new rural cooperative insurance as the main body of the basic medical insurance system. The problem is that, with the progress of social economy, China's floating population increasing the basic medical insurance, the insured places for the increasingly common phenomenon, but our country has not set up a unified system of basic medical insurance for.1998 years, the State Council promulgated the "decision on the establishment of" basic medical insurance system for urban employees (Guofa [1998]44), established the basic medical insurance for urban workers, the implementation of municipal co-ordination system. Under the guidance of this policy, urban residents medical insurance and NRCMS after all follow the design of the system of municipal co-ordination. One can not ignore the legal problems caused by the basic is: Due to low overall level of the medical insurance policy of "fragmentation", the insured can not enjoy a relatively fair and efficient medical treatment in remote medical treatment. Remote medical problems of equity and efficiency in the settlement process highlights. Except the introduction and conclusion, the thesis is divided into five parts. The first part is "the basic medical the insurance of remote medical billing and general analysis. Combined with the basic medical insurance system, analysis of this system under the different medical causes and remote medical billing. The phenomenon is around by the remote medical health resources distribution imbalance, caused by the common insured medical needs and uneven distribution of medical resources between the various reasons and contradictions of population flow. Remote medical billing is the basic medical insurance insured in the insurance area outside the medical diagnosis and treatment of patients after hospital treatment, the hospital and the social security agencies Between the settlement. At present, Chinese patients with different medical scale is growing rapidly, accordingly, remote medical insurance settlement scale expanding, subjects of remote medical insurance settlement requires more complex and diverse. The second part is the main legal problems of China's basic medical insurance settlement remote medical basic. The medical insurance system in China has the characteristic of "fragmentation", namely in different regions, the level of protection of basic medical insurance, there are many differences between the guarantee conditions and procedures, and remote medical billing and legal issues in the process of further analysis. First, the insured medical unfair problems highlighted on the one hand, the insured medical reimbursement for the treatment difference is too large, showing the different areas in the use of the insured to the same level of medical resources under the reimbursement level The same features. On the other hand, because of the authenticity of the remote settlement supervision difficult, health supervision departments to implement a more complicated but not on insurance fraud supervision effect reimbursement procedures, resulting in the cost of reimbursement should not be reimbursed, the insured shall be reasonable reimbursement costs difficult to reimbursement, which is not fair obviously the law-abiding insured. Second, real-time settlement remote medical system has not been fully established, most regional co-ordination of remote settlement procedures cumbersome, because the medical insurance settlement system is unreasonable, the insured in remote medical process actually bear a lot of unnecessary burden. The third part is the "causes" of the basic medical insurance for remote medical law the problem can be settled. The causes of the basic medical insurance settlement remote medical legal problems in boils down to two aspects: first, the basic medical insurance plan Low level. On the one hand, the level of basic medical insurance for urban workers in China's first low, followed by urban and rural residents and the new rural cooperative insurance is a continuation of the design of the system, has the historical characteristics of the overall level of the design of the basic medical insurance, has not made a breakthrough in the previous reform; on the other hand and the difference of economic development level among the regions of our country is large, but in our country, the finance management system on the basis of the fiscal transfer payment system has failed to effectively balance the allocation of medical resources, the characteristics of the basic medical insurance policy in China "fragmentation" is still very obvious. Second, basic medical insurance management and supervision system of remote medical billing not perfect. The main performance is: the lack of real-time settlement mechanism, remote medical billing and insurance fraud supervision subject confusion, remote medical billing and insurance fraud crackdown without judicial supervision Enough. The fourth part is the "study" the EU transnational medical billing system. The influences of the EU transnational medical management solutions can be found, the transnational medical management based on the coordination of health insurance policies, ensure the coordination of policies for EU citizens multinational medical fair and efficient there. On the one hand, policy coordination medical insurance to EU citizens should be fair and equal treatment principle; on the other hand, standardized management, unified multinational medical application form, the true meaning of the "one card" makes its citizens transnational medical settlement is extremely efficient. The fifth part is the "path" to break the basic medical insurance in other places in China the medical legal settlement. The author believes that the equalization of the arrangement of medical resources, improve the level of basic medical insurance, improve the basic medical insurance remote medical knot Management and supervision system, law helps to solve the problem of China's basic medical insurance remote medical billing appeared in the process. First, the equalization arrangement of medical resources, especially for local hospital treatment facilities, medical personnel balanced allocation of medical resources, can guide the insured fundamentally reasonable medical treatment, reduce the size of remote medical billing and resource consumption. In second, the implementation of the provincial level, the establishment of a regional coordination mechanism for remote medical billing. By means of financial transfer payment, the basic medical insurance policy unified province. Through signing remote medical billing protocol, the realization of the basic medical insurance policy of the convergence of regional economic development level. Third mutual recognition improve the basic medical insurance, medical system and the supervision and management of settlement, including the establishment of real-time settlement platform, to clarify the regulatory responsibilities of the main, and of other The punishment of unlawful acts in the course of medical settlement.
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