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发布时间:2018-04-05 17:13

  本文选题:社会保障水平 切入点:综合评价 出处:《南京财经大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:社会保障制度被誉为社会的“自动稳定器”,在缩小社会贫富差距、建立和谐社会的过程中承担着极其重要的责任。中国与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的社会保障制度体系在经过十多年的改革和发展之后,我们需要对目前的社会保障制度建设状况和水平有一个清醒的认识,做出科学的综合评价,为今后的社会保障改革积累经验,找准方向。但我国现阶段对社会保障水平综合评价的理论和认识还没有形成共识,所采用的分析方法简单粗糙,其评价更没有成为常态化。各省之间悬殊的社会保障差异严重制约着相关制度的全国统筹,也影响到整个社会保障制度的建设和完善。在这种背景下,对我国各省社会保障水平综合评价进行研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。 首先,本文以历史唯物主义、公共物品以及城乡统筹发展等理论为指导,依据我国社会保障制度的实际构成,并且紧密结合我国现阶段社会保障统计实践,采取先分后总、逐项逐层的方法,按照社会保障整体、社会保险、社会救助、社会福利、就业促进和住房保障六大块社会保障制度内容,建立了三个层次、35个指标的社会保障水平综合评价体系。其次,按照所建立的指标体系,通过中国统计年鉴、中国劳动统计年鉴、中国卫生统计年鉴、中国财政统计年鉴以及相关的统计公报等渠道,收集其数据,,并对所选取的指标数据按照其正、逆方向和适度三类进行同方向可比性技术处理。在此基础之上,运用层次分析与灰色关联度相结合的定量分析方法,对全国31个省份的社会保障水平进行综合评价,得出2009年各省的社会保障水平综合排序:辽宁省和上海市分列第一和第二位,广西、贵州、新疆为后三位。在对全国31个省份社会保障水平综合评价的同时,本文还揭示了31个省份在各个不同社会保障项目上的分值水平。最后,本文采用SWOT态势分析法,分析了31个省份在社会保障制度构成项目方面的优势和薄弱环节,并选取5个具有典型意义的省份有针对性地提出各省份今后社会保障工作的重点方向,以及提升各省乃至全国社会保障水平的对策、方法和建议。
[Abstract]:The social security system is praised as the "automatic stabilizer" of the society, which bears the extremely important responsibility in the process of narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor and building a harmonious society.After more than a decade of reform and development, we need to have a clear understanding of the current situation and level of the construction of the social security system in China, which is compatible with the socialist market economic system.Make a scientific comprehensive evaluation, for the future social security reform to accumulate experience, find the right direction.However, there is no consensus on the theory and understanding of the comprehensive evaluation of social security level in our country at the present stage, and the analytical methods used are simple and rough, and the evaluation of the comprehensive evaluation has not become a norm.The disparity of social security between provinces seriously restricts the national coordination of relevant systems, and also affects the construction and improvement of the whole social security system.Under this background, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the comprehensive evaluation of social security level in various provinces of China.First of all, under the guidance of historical materialism, public goods and the overall development of urban and rural areas, according to the actual composition of China's social security system, and in close combination with the current statistical practice of social security in China, this paper adopts the principle of dividing first and then overall.One by one, according to the social security system as a whole, social insurance, social assistance, social welfare, employment promotion and housing security,Established three levels, 35 indicators of social security level comprehensive evaluation system.Secondly, according to the established index system, the data are collected through the channels of the China Statistical Yearbook, the China Labor Statistics Yearbook, the China Health Statistics Yearbook, the China Financial Statistics Yearbook and relevant statistical bulletins.According to the positive, inverse and moderate three kinds of index data, the same direction comparability technique is carried out.On this basis, the comprehensive evaluation of the social security level of 31 provinces in China is carried out by using the quantitative analysis method which combines the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) with the grey correlation degree.The comprehensive ranking of the social security level of the provinces in 2009 was as follows: Liaoning Province and Shanghai ranked first and second respectively, Guangxi, Guizhou and Xinjiang were the last three.In addition to the comprehensive evaluation of the social security level in the 31 provinces of China, the paper also reveals the scores of the 31 provinces in different social security projects.Finally, using SWOT situation analysis, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the social security system in 31 provinces.Five provinces with typical significance are selected to point out the key directions of the future social security work in each province, as well as the countermeasures, methods and suggestions to improve the social security level of the provinces and even the whole country.


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