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发布时间:2018-04-10 23:37

  本文选题:农村养老保障 + 家庭养老 ; 参考:《山东理工大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国老龄化形势严峻,较之于城市养老,农村养老问题尤为突出,面临着人口老龄化加剧,空巢老人增多,传统养老功能弱化等一系列问题。新型农村养老保险的试点,虽取得了不错的成绩,但仍存在保障水平低、覆盖面小、保障制度呈现城乡二元化等不足,养老保障已成为一项亟待解决的课题。阻碍农村养老保障顺利进行的原因主要有农村经济发展落后、政府责任缺失、城乡二元政策的消极影响、相关法律制度不健全、敬老养老意识淡薄以及市场经济转型期间的负面影响等。 我国农村地区发展不平衡,农民层次不均衡,统一完善的养老保障体系短时期内难以建立。解决农村养老保障问题,实现农民老有所养,必须从农村实际出发,依据具体的村情民情建立一种适合我国农村养老实际的新路径—自助餐式养老保障模式。 自助餐式养老保障模式是一种新型养老保障制度,是根据不同地区经济发展水平,不同人群结构特点,分门别类的设计和实施与本地养老具体情况相适应的养老保障模式。其运行需要大力发展农村经济,重视政策扶持与管理监督,加快农村养老立法工作,强化传统孝道文化教育。 建立和完善我国新型农村养老保障制度,创建自助餐式农村养老保障模式,实现农民老有所养,是建设社会主义新农村的重要内容,也是贯彻落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的根本要求,它有利于社会主义民主制度的健全和法治社会的构建,有利于社会公平正义的实现,有利于农村新风貌的形成,进而有利于社会主义新农村的建设和社会主义和谐社会的构建。
[Abstract]:The aging situation of our country is severe, compared with the urban old-age, the rural old-age problem is especially prominent, facing a series of problems, such as the aging of population, the increase of empty nest elderly, the weakening of the traditional old-age function and so on.Although the pilot of the new rural old-age insurance has achieved good results, there are still some shortcomings, such as low security level, small coverage, and the security system showing urban-rural dualization, etc. The old-age security has become an urgent task to be solved.The main reasons for hindering the smooth development of rural old-age security are the backward development of rural economy, the lack of government responsibility, the negative influence of urban-rural dual policy, and the unsound legal system.Respect for the aged awareness of the weak and market economy during the transformation of the negative impact.The development of rural areas in China is unbalanced, the level of farmers is not balanced, and it is difficult to establish a unified and perfect old-age security system in a short period of time.In order to solve the problem of rural old-age security and realize farmers' security for the aged, we must start from the rural reality and establish a new way of self-service old-age security according to the actual situation of the villages.The self-service old-age security model is a new type of old-age security system, which is designed and implemented in accordance with the specific conditions of local old-age care according to the level of economic development in different regions, the structural characteristics of different groups of people and the design and implementation of categories.Its operation needs to vigorously develop the rural economy, attach importance to policy support and management supervision, speed up the rural old-age legislation, and strengthen the traditional filial piety culture education.The establishment and perfection of the new rural old-age security system in China, the establishment of a buffet rural old-age security model and the realization of a sense of security for the elderly are the important contents of the construction of a new socialist countryside, and the implementation of the scientific concept of development.The fundamental requirement of building a harmonious socialist society is conducive to the perfection of the socialist democratic system and the construction of a society governed by law, the realization of social fairness and justice, and the formation of a new style in rural areas.Thus, it is beneficial to the construction of new socialist countryside and the construction of socialist harmonious society.


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