本文选题:苏州 + 临湖镇 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Land is an important means of production on which farmers depend for thousands of years. The ownership of land, the ownership of land and the related systems derived from it are important topics that can be studied by the society at that time. As an important part of a series of land systems, land circulation system has a great influence on farmers' production and life. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the land circulation system. The land circulation system of our country varies from province to province, and the degree of dependence on land in developed coastal areas is relatively low, which can not realize large-scale mechanized production, and the efficiency of output is low, so the economy is not very strong. On the other hand, the land area contracted by farmers is relatively large, which is conducive to large-scale production and management, and the incidence of land circulation is relatively small. By studying the theoretical knowledge and current situation of land transfer system, combining with the actual situation of Suzhou City in Jiangsu Province, this paper expounds the connotation of land circulation system on the basis of the theoretical review of domestic and foreign studies. Features and causes. Taking Linhu Town in Suzhou as an example, this paper analyzes that the main interests of land circulation in China's rural land circulation are difficult to adapt to the demands of modern agricultural marketization, and that the intermediary organizations of land circulation are difficult to adapt to the requirements of modern agricultural informatization. The backward rural social security system and farmers' living security requirements are difficult to adapt to these three main problems, summarized and summarized four aspects of countermeasures and suggestions: further clarify the relationship between rural land property rights, clear the main interests of land circulation; Further improve the rural land governance structure to protect the legitimate interests of land circulation; further develop land transfer intermediary organizations to promote the efficient and orderly concentration of land; further improve the farmers social security system to promote the free circulation of land.
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