本文选题:转型期 + 社会心态 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, our country steps into the critical period of reform and the decisive period of building a well-off society in an all-round way. In this important historical transition period, the social structure is constantly adjusted, the social stratum is gradually divided, and the pattern of interests is recombined. With the change of social environment, the cognitive habits, behavior patterns and value orientation of the social public have changed, and the diversity of ideas is obvious. However, social relations are becoming more and more complicated, resulting in many social contradictions and conflicts, leading to the spread of bad social mentality, and even leading to extreme events. Therefore, the active cultivation of socialist core values has become an important task in the current ideological field. Firstly, the paper analyzes the social environment and performance of the social mentality imbalance in China during the transition period. According to the meaning of the social mentality imbalance in the transitional period, this paper analyzes the social environment of the social mentality imbalance in the transitional period, and sums up the main manifestations of the social mentality imbalance in the transition period. Secondly, this paper expounds the influence and reasons of the imbalance of social mentality in China during the transition period. Based on the influence of the unbalanced social mentality in the transitional period, this paper analyzes from four aspects: personal values, social moral system, social harmony and the stability of state power. According to the influence of the social mentality imbalance in the transitional period, this paper probes into the causes of the social mentality imbalance in the transitional period from the factors of system and mechanism, economy, culture and the public itself. Finally, focus on the cultivation of a good social mentality of the effective way to carry out research. Based on the analysis of the reasons for the imbalance of social mentality in the transitional period, this paper probes into the institutional environment, the institutional mechanism, the socialist core values and the public's own factors. Based on the development of economy, strengthening the construction of anti-corruption and promoting clean government and standardizing the media to create a fair and just institutional environment; based on the establishment of distribution mechanism, social security system and interest resolution mechanism, and then innovating the social management system mechanism; by strengthening the identity of the main body, To bring into play the role of traditional culture and actively develop practical activities to cultivate socialist core values, and to enhance the comprehensive quality of the public from the aspects of strengthening moral education and personal accomplishment. By studying the phenomenon and countermeasures of the imbalance of social mentality in China during the period of transition, this paper solves the current social problems, optimizes the social mentality, forms a benign social atmosphere and atmosphere, and dispels the bad social mentality. Cultivating a good social mentality and promoting social fairness and justice are conducive to the overall establishment of a well-off society and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation Chinese Dream.
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