本文选题:万顷良田建设工程 + 土地权属 ; 参考:《南京农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:"Ten thousand hectares of farmland construction project" is an important policy innovation for Jiangsu province to actively promote the construction of new socialist countryside and urban and rural co-ordination. In the process of pilot popularization, it has achieved positive results in promoting land integration, expanding land use space and changing the pattern of dispersion, but also exposed many questions in the process of land adjustment. In the course of its construction and implementation, "ten thousand hectares of farmland construction project" will involve a large number of rights adjustment problems, such as land use right, ownership and his right and so on. This paper focuses on the analysis of the main types and causes of land adjustment interests conflict in the "ten thousand hectares of good farmland construction project". On this basis, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward. The main body of the text first introduces the problem collation, there is a lack of planning, copying and poor coordination in the land ownership adjustment. The second is the cause analysis, including the government performance impulse, the unreasonable income structure of the farmers and the weak bargaining power, the land lost government, the farmers and the developers and so on, the conflict of interests in the process of resettlement compensation, affecting the "ten thousand hectares of farmland" The construction project is carried out smoothly and popularized in the whole province. Again, the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to resolve the conflict of land adjustment interests from two levels of system and supporting measures. For the core interests of the homestead, the contracted land and the private land which involve the relocation of the farmers, this paper proposes to solve the key problems, such as the land adjustment mode led by the government in the resettlement area, and to improve the land reform, the strict land control, the improvement of the compensation and compensation law for the land expropriation, the improvement of the rural organization and the improvement of the dispute resolution mechanism. The point of view is to ensure the maximization of the interests of farmers in the pilot process, the strength of the discourse and the perfection of life. In the process of resettlement, the government should actively raise funds to adjust the industrial structure, increase the agricultural income and infrastructure construction, so as to ensure that the "ten thousand hectares of farmland construction project" can benefit thousands of families. In the light of the specific forms of interest conflict in land readjustment, specific countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
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