本文选题:社会保障制度 + 城乡收入差距 ; 参考:《贵州财经大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The income gap between urban and rural areas in China began to increase from 1990s to single side. Before this, it was a slow and slow rising form. However, after 2005, the income ratio of urban and rural areas in China began to remain in a relatively stable state, not further expanded, and in some places, the income gap between urban and rural areas began to decrease. Few, this shows that China's income distribution policy has produced some achievements in recent years. However, it is undeniable that the huge gap between urban and rural areas is still at a high level due to the earlier emphasis on economic growth and the "rich before the rich". The large gap between the urban and rural areas will inevitably bring serious social problems and affect the stability and sustainability of development. Therefore, the central government of the eighteen major central governments has more emphasis on fairness, increased the intensity of the redistribution of income, and shifted the policy center to the western region in order to drive the development of the relatively backward areas and reduce the development of these areas. The gap between small areas and the gap between urban and rural areas. As China's per capita economic level reaches the ranks of middle countries, it is a major problem for China to achieve a comprehensive well-off society and cross the middle income trap. As China, which is still the majority of the rural population, the income gap is reduced and the income level of rural residents is improved. It must be a key link. The miracle of China's rapid economic growth is difficult to reproduce, and the demographic dividend will gradually fade away. The social security system, as a "regulator" of income distribution, is bound to play a greater role. From the people's commune in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China to the later social insurance system, the social security system was at a different time. In this paper, we use the panel data of 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government in our country in ~2013 1995, except the Tibet autonomous region, using the fixed effect (FE) model and the differential generalized moment (FE). DiffGMM) as the main estimation model, we examine the relationship between the variables of the development of social security system and the income gap between urban and rural areas and the income gap between urban and rural areas. Research on the social security system in the period of the change of the income gap between urban and rural areas in China. The research found that the social security system is the income gap between urban and rural areas It has a significant role, but in different stages of China's social and economic development and the different period of the reform of the security system, the role of the pension insurance system has significantly reduced the income gap between the urban and rural areas, and the unemployment insurance significantly widened the income gap between the urban and rural areas, and the medical insurance system was due to the data. The incomplete function needs further investigation; before 2003, due to the widespread lack of the security system in the rural areas, and the more perfect in the city, the income gap between urban and rural areas has been greatly enlarged. After 2003, the government has paid more attention to the rural security work, and the system construction is constantly finished, and the income gap between urban and rural areas is narrowed, and the social security is significantly reduced. The urban and rural two yuan structure has a significant impact on the income gap between urban and rural areas, whether it is the whole period of investigation, or a period of investigation, the increase of policy to rural areas makes the gap between urban and rural income significantly reduced, while reducing support for rural areas will increase the income gap between urban and rural areas, and the level of local marketization is significant. It affects the income gap between urban and rural areas and has a significant impact on the role of the social security system. However, because of the imbalance in the degree of marketization in various regions, the social security system has a negative effect on the adjustment of the income gap between urban and rural areas.
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