本文选题:工会组织 + 预警制度 ; 参考:《工会信息》2016年14期
[Abstract]:The early establishment of unemployment early warning mechanism abroad, different countries formulate their own characteristics of unemployment early warning system and employment promotion policies. Establishing and perfecting the early warning system of unemployment is an important duty entrusted to the governments at all levels by the Employment Promotion Law, and is the prerequisite and foundation for the prevention of unemployment and the regulation and control of unemployment. Trade unions are the bridge and link between the Party and the masses of workers. The Trade Union Law and the Social Insurance Law have given trade unions the right to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, participate in the study of major social insurance issues, and the trade union has helped to establish and improve the early warning mechanism for unemployment. It is of great significance for the government to grasp the fluctuation of unemployment, formulate corresponding macro-control policies, and ensure the benign operation of the social security system and the sustainable development of the economy and society. The Employment Promotion Law established the early warning system of unemployment for the first time. This system is of great significance for the government to grasp the fluctuation of unemployment, to formulate the corresponding macro-control policies, to ensure the benign operation of the social security system and the sustainable development of the economy and society. Unemployment is one of the main risk sources of sudden mass events in our country, and it is also a major hidden danger of social risks in the period of social transformation. In the face of the severe situation of labor and employment, trade unions should absorb the experience and lessons of foreign countries, especially in the process of taking part in the cultivation and improvement of labor market, especially in order to safeguard the long-term interests of workers and staff. The establishment of unemployment warning system plays an important role in effectively preventing and coping with serious unemployment problems, promoting social and economic transformation and leaping development, maintaining social harmony and stability, and strengthening unemployment prevention and unemployment control.
【作者单位】: 河北劳动关系职业学院;
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