本文选题:社会生态理论 + 老年人 ; 参考:《中国卫生统计》2017年05期
[Abstract]:Objective to explore the influencing factors of the utilization of elderly hospitalization services from the perspective of social ecology, and to predict the conditional expected cost and the non-conditional expected cost of the elderly so as to provide the basis for the rational and effective allocation of health resources. Methods the elderly aged 60 and above in the CLHLS survey in 2011 were selected as the subjects. The hospitalization probability and the hospitalization cost were used to reflect the utilization of hospitalization services. The social ecological model of the influencing factors of hospitalization probability and hospitalization cost was constructed by using two models, and the micro, meso and macro factors affecting the utilization of hospitalization service were discussed, and the conditional expected cost and the non conditional expected cost of the elderly were calculated. Results A total of 8483 elderly patients were included, the hospitalization rate was 24. 6% and the average hospitalization cost was 8082.8 yuan. The utilization of inpatient service for the elderly was mainly influenced by micro, meso and macro factors. The elderly who suffered from chronic diseases in micro system, poor self-rated health and poor sleep quality had higher utilization of hospitalization services. In the meso-system, the utilization of in-patient service is higher in the married elderly, and in the macro-system, the utilization of the inpatient service in the city and the elderly with more than one kind of social security is higher than that in the macro-system. The conditional expectation cost of the elderly is 8397.32 yuan, among which the male, the urban 80 and 89 years old is higher, and the non-conditional expectation cost is 2478.92 yuan, among which the male, the urban 70 ~ 79 years old is higher. Conclusion the utilization behavior of elderly inpatient service is affected by social and ecological factors, chronic diseases and self-rated health in personal characteristics, sleep quality in individual behavior, marital status in family environment. The place of residence and the level of social security in the social environment are the important factors influencing the utilization of the elderly hospitalization services, and the health resources should be allocated reasonably and effectively because of the different characteristics of the elderly and the different non-conditional expected expenses. To promote equity in the utilization of health services for the elderly.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学公共卫生学院;厦门大学福建省高校卫生技术评估重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(71403229) 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2017J01133)
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