本文选题:宅基地退出 + 意愿分析 ; 参考:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization, the contradiction between people and land is becoming more and more prominent in our country. In addition, with the rapid development of economy, the demand for urban construction land also rises sharply. The city extends to the periphery and devours the high-quality cultivated land next to the suburban villages. The area of arable land is reduced, and the relationship between man and land is deteriorating day by day. The two ways to solve the current problems are to organize and plan the existing land resources and to excavate the land resources. Because of the serious shortage of land reserve resources in our country, it is necessary to pay a huge ecological and economic cost to develop new land, and also because of the serious shortage of land resources in our country, therefore, In order to alleviate the contradiction between man and land and to solve the shortage of land resources brought by the rapid development of economy, we must arrange the existing land, improve the efficiency of land use, and economize the intensive use of land. At present, the rural population in our country is decreasing year by year, but the rural residential area is increasing instead of decreasing, and the per capita housing area in Henan Province is increasing year by year. Withdrawal from rural homestead is one of the important means to ease urban land use. The withdrawal of rural homestead can not only improve the living environment, optimize the distribution of land, but also realize the balance of occupation and compensation of cultivated land. Strengthening the rural homestead management and constructing the rural homestead withdrawal mechanism become the focus of the research. Firstly, this paper summarizes the research progress of rural homestead withdrawal and compensation at home and abroad, and clarifies the purpose, significance, content and technical route of this paper. On the basis of property right theory, transaction cost theory, institutional change theory and so on, the paper theoretically analyzes the influence factors of peasant household homestead withdrawal. Based on the investigation of farmers' willingness to withdraw from homestead in four cities of Henan Province, this paper analyzes the main factors that affect the withdrawal of homestead by using the dual logistic model, and compares the compensation standards of the withdrawal of Homestead in surrounding cities. This paper puts forward the rural homestead withdrawal compensation scheme and draws the following conclusions: (1) whether the farmers are willing to withdraw from the homestead and the education level, the total income of the family, the main income source, the number of the homestead, the homestead adaptation are positively correlated. There is a negative correlation between sex, family population, age, labor force, cultivated land area, monthly consumption, homestead area, and whether or not they are willing to live in high buildings. (2) the main problem facing homestead withdrawal is the lack of government role. The majority of villagers do not support and the social security function of the land hinders the peasants from withdrawing from the homestead. (3) the compensation mechanism corresponding to the homestead withdrawal should be established in the aspects of the principle, purpose, subject, method and content of the homestead withdrawal. In view of the problems existing in the process of rural homestead withdrawal, this paper puts forward some suggestions, such as strengthening propaganda, formulating policies that can stimulate the enthusiasm of farmers, and establishing a perfect social security system. For the smooth development of rural homestead withdrawal compensation work to provide policy recommendations.
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