本文选题:印度 + 海外印度人 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the Indian government has adopted legislation, set up administrative agencies and organizations, formulated comprehensive policies and other measures, constantly improved the protection system of the rights and interests of overseas Indians, and achieved remarkable results. The Indian government starts from the theory of nation-state and national sovereignty, and adopts the term "diaspora", which is generally accepted by the international academic circles, to refer to overseas Indians, which is the theoretical basis of the system of protecting the rights and interests of overseas Indians. India's laws to protect the rights and interests of Indians abroad are scattered in various domestic laws, including the Constitution, the Immigration Act 1983, the Foreign Exchange Control Act, the people's Representatives Act, and so on. Overseas Indian rights and interests protection system involves political, economic, cultural and other rights. The main contents include the implementation of the overseas citizenship system, the protection of the right to vote of overseas Indians, the establishment of a scholarship system for overseas Indian children, the introduction of overseas direct investment policies, the signing of bilateral social security agreements with many countries, and so on. In summary, the main features of the overseas Indian rights and interests protection system are as follows: wide range of objects of protection, comprehensive content of protection, and specialized overseas Indian administrative bodies. Emphasis on the protection of cultural rights and strengthening the protection of Indian rights abroad through international cooperation. This will inspire us to update the concept of overseas Chinese and nationality in our legislation on overseas Chinese affairs, to improve the content of legal protection, and to set up specialized and authoritative overseas Chinese affairs management agencies. To promote the recognition of Chinese culture among overseas Chinese and to uphold the principle of equal protection of domestic law and international law in order to promote the legal process of protecting the rights and interests of overseas Chinese in China.
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