[Abstract]:This article is a translation project report. The translation project was originally published in the French Journal of Social problems, and in January and February 2015, in the journal Environmental issues. "Social Security and Social inequality." two interviews, pp. 199 to 212: climate as an unfair factor in society, and Prosperity for growth. The main content of the original chapter is to discuss the environmental problem, the social inequality and the change of economic model. The main contents of this report are divided into three parts: first, the introduction of the translation project, including the background of the original text, the objectives of the project, the significance, the preparatory work before translation and the guiding theory of translation. Second, the difficulties encountered in translation and specific treatment methods. It is particularly difficult to correctly grasp the meaning of the whole text and translate according to the Chinese expression habits. The main translation methods used in translation are functional equivalence, literal translation, alienation and domestication, word addition and reduction, word order adjustment and so on. Thirdly, it summarizes the enlightenment, lessons and problems that remain to be solved in the process of translation.
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