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发布时间:2018-08-27 05:46
[Abstract]:Population flow is an important driving force for social progress and economic development. Population flow across regions is not only conducive to the rational allocation of social resources, but also conducive to the economic development of the inflow areas. Social welfare system, as a system closely related to each person, is constantly reformed and perfected in the process of population flow, examining the impact of population flow on China's welfare system, and then promoting the level of social welfare. The study of the relationship between population mobility and social welfare involves demography, welfare economics and new institutional economics. The research focuses on the economic growth effect of the floating population, how to guarantee the education, medical care and old-age care of the floating population, and how to optimize the financial expenditure to solve the regional and urban-rural disparity caused by the floating population. There is an interactive relationship between population mobility and institutional change. Phased institutional changes can lead to population concentration in the short term, and long-term population mobility can also promote the adaptive reform of the social system. At the same time, population mobility and social welfare system. There is a two-way interactive relationship between the degree of social welfare, but this paper logically selects one of the one-way driving force: the social welfare system of population mobility changes the level of social welfare as the research direction, focusing on the analysis of the evolution of social welfare system driven by population mobility, and then assessing the impact of population mobility on the overall level of social welfare. On the specific implementation, this paper combs the domestic and foreign research results on population mobility and social welfare effects, leads to the topic of this paper. Then it selects demography, welfare economics and new institutional economics can be used as research support of the relevant theories, summarizes and comments, on the basis of which the follow-up study of this paper is carried out. The concrete research path and the key content are as follows: First of all, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the relationship between population flow and social welfare changes. From the point of view of population itself, in addition to the compulsory migration of the state, people's pursuit of higher social welfare is the main cause of population mobility under the state of free movement. During the period of setbacks and recovery, the period of transition, especially since 1984, China has reformed the traditional social welfare system, changed the way in which the state was responsible for all social welfare, and formed a situation in which the state, the collective and the individual shared the social welfare. From scratch, we have gone through the process from the absence of the system to the construction and implementation of the system in an all-round way. By excluding the mandatory human migration and observing the free flow of the population in the market economy since the reform and opening up in 1978, we can find that China's population has flowed from the countryside to the cities, from the underdeveloped areas in the central and western regions to the developed areas in the east. In the process, not only the income level and welfare status have been improved, but also the overall economic development of the inflow area has been promoted.But at the same time, the population flow has also caused the population loss in the outflow area, the labor force is insufficient, the inflow area resources bearing pressure rises, the infrastructure construction lags behind and other issues. Secondly, the social welfare function of "function" and "capability" space under the framework of Amartya Sen's "feasible capacity method" is analyzed in depth. On the basis of comparing and analyzing the index system of human social development index (hdi) and expansion of hdi, the index system is scientific, operable, reliable, dynamic and relatively independent. The principle of legitimacy, first of all, uses the system analysis method, according to the relevant indicators of social welfare, without any restrictions, as far as possible a comprehensive list, and then uses the theoretical analysis method, from the "function" and "ability" perspective, to analyze and synthesize the connotation, characteristics and development potential of social welfare, and refers to the domestic and foreign. The index system of social welfare level includes two dimensions of "function" and "ability", covering income level, consumption level, housing status, health status, education level and social security. Thirdly, the social welfare level of our country since 1978 is measured by fuzzy logic. In the calculation method, the fuzzy mathematics evaluation method is introduced. The main process includes pattern recognition and model. Passification, the establishment of fuzzy reasoning system, fuzzy rules and fuzzy reasoning, fuzzy suggestion and defuzzification. Empirical analysis, using time series data to measure China's social welfare level since 1978, the results show that since 1978, China's social welfare level in different stages of the promotion rate is not the same, and there are many repetitions in the process. In the early 1980s, driven by the reform and opening up, many of the old systems in China's economic and social development were released and the level of social welfare increased rapidly. But in the middle and late 1980s, the overall level of social welfare did not continue the trend of high growth before, and even declined in the late 1980s. Since then, driven by the establishment of China's socialist market economic system, the level of social welfare has been rising year by year since 1996. From 1996 to 2003, the level of social welfare has increased from 0.4402 to 0.6122, an increase of 39.07%. However, after the 2008 financial crisis, with the recovery of China's economic development, the implementation of the policy of expanding domestic demand, and the emphasis on social security, people's livelihood projects and ecological protection, the growth rate of social welfare in China has increased, reaching 2014. Fourthly, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the correlation between population mobility and social welfare level since the reform and opening up in China. The variables of "population mobility rate" and "rural-urban population mobility rate" are introduced into the analysis of social welfare effect, and the time-varying parameters are used to analyze the state space. Inter-modal analysis of the internal relationship between population mobility and changes in social welfare level, assesses the impact of population mobility on social welfare level at different stages of economic and social development in China, and emphatically analyzes the impact of "rural-urban population mobility" on social welfare level. There are two co-integration relations between the welfare level, namely, the national population mobility rate, the long-term relationship between the control variables and the social welfare level; and there is a co-integration relationship between the rural-urban population mobility rate, the control variables and the social welfare level. There is also a long-term relationship between them. From the perspective of trend, since 1978, the role of the overall population flow on social welfare level has shown a phased feature. After a short period of rapid rise, it has declined significantly, and after a small rebound and smooth adjustment, it has risen rapidly, and finally tends to be stable at a higher level. The effect of urban migration on social welfare level is similar to that of rural-urban migration, but the impact of rural-urban migration on social welfare level is more significant than that of national migration. Therefore, the improvement of social welfare level of rural-urban migrants will enhance the overall social welfare level in China. In the end, this paper combines the empirical analysis and empirical analysis of the conclusions, considering the characteristics of the current wave of population migration, on the basis of the existing path of social welfare system changes, clear the direction of future reform, put forward the corresponding policy recommendations for the construction of social welfare system: through the establishment of household registration suitable for population migration Management system, social security mechanism, education system for migrant children, innovative community management model, so that migrants live and work in peace, promote economic development, improve the overall level of social welfare. The scope is basically limited to the study of the relationship between the population flow and the narrow social security system or the study of the relationship between the population flow and the income level or the level of economic development. Secondly, the index system and calculation methods are innovated. At present, the index system of measuring social welfare level in China mostly adopts the index calculation formula proposed by Amartya Sen under reasonable assumptions: wt = YT (1-gt), in which YT is per capita income, GT is Gini coefficient. On the basis of measuring the social welfare index system and combining with the characteristics of China's economic and social development, a three-level index system covering two dimensions of "function" and "ability" is constructed. The level of social welfare in China is investigated comprehensively. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used in the concrete calculation to enhance the objectivity of the measurement results. Thirdly, the model construction innovation. In exploring the relationship between population flow and social welfare level in China, starting from the dynamic analysis, the state space model is used to build the "population flow - social welfare level" function. In the concrete implementation of the model, according to the periodic characteristics of population flow in China, the time-varying parameter method is used. In a word, from a new perspective, this paper introduces the related variables of population mobility into the framework of traditional welfare economics, summarizes the changes of population mobility and welfare system since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and evaluates the changes of social welfare level. In this paper, the evaluation index system of social welfare level at home and abroad is constructed by referring to the evaluation index system of social welfare level horizontally. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to quantify the research. The state space model and time-varying parameter method are used to discuss the social welfare effect of population flow in depth. Demography and new system are studied in the process of research. The interdisciplinary application of the theory of degree economics and welfare economics is a beneficial attempt in the interdisciplinary field, which has certain theoretical value and practical significance.


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