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发布时间:2018-08-30 08:02
[Abstract]:In the field of social work, the disabled have always been the focus of research, and the social work of the disabled has been an important research direction to reflect the professional value of social work. Social work for persons with disabilities involves all aspects of disability services, including psychological counselling, rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, families of persons with disabilities, education of persons with disabilities, employment of persons with disabilities, etc. The realization of these services for the disabled requires not only the efforts of social workers, but also the support and guidance of legal policies. These policies and regulations, which serve the field of disability, constitute a policy of preferential disability. This paper mainly studies the implementation effect and countermeasures of the policy of benefiting the disabled in Hefei (defined in this paper as "the policy of favouring the disabled"). Taking X District and F County, where the policy of Hui disability is more prominent, as a case study, this paper investigates the implementation and effect of Hui disability policy in Hefei by holding small forums, household interviews, taking part in observation, collecting documents and so on. The core task is to take the X and F counties as individual cases, through first-hand field investigation materials, to evaluate the implementation effect of the local preferential disability policy in Anhui Province over the past year, and to find out the relevant achievements made in the implementation process, especially the benefits obtained by the disabled. This paper summarizes the successful experiences of local preferential disability policy, finds out the reasons why some policies can not be implemented, and puts forward further improvement strategies. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part mainly introduces the implementation background of the research on the policy of Hui disability in Hefei, the significance of the research, the status quo of the research, the definition of the core concept, the research methods and the investigation. The second part is the investigation and analysis of the implementation of the policy on the disabled in Hefei City. It analyzes the implementation of the policy of the disabled from the aspects of basic living security, medical rehabilitation, old-age care, employment, education and so on, and summarizes the excellent successful experience. The third part mainly analyzes the problems existing in the implementation of the preferential disability policy as a whole and the reasons why some preferential and disability policies are difficult to implement. It is found that some of the related problems are not operable. The main responsibility for implementing the policy is not clear, the supervision of the policy is not in place, the content of social security for the disabled is relatively single, the policy has the problem of "one-size-fits-all" and the employment rate of the disabled is low, and the reasons for these problems are analyzed. In the fourth part, the author puts forward some constructive countermeasures in view of the problems that hinder the implementation of the preferential disability policy: changing "one-size-fits-all" to "classified and affordable", and increasing the publicity and transparency of the policy. Make clear the subject of policy responsibility, deepen the functions of the disabled, pay attention to the construction of social assistance system for employment of the disabled and strengthen the policy impact of social work. Finally, evaluate the effect of the policy implementation in Hefei.


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