发布时间:2018-11-08 08:52
【摘要】:国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund,以下简称IMF)自成立以来一直为维护世界金融秩序和成员国经济均衡发展贡献力量。但近十几年来,IMF在成员国遭受经济危机时的表现却显得差强人意,一成不变的贬值货币、鼓励刺激出口及紧缩财政政策,虽然使受援国在经济方面略有恢复,但其公民的人权状况,特别是社会经济权利状况却令人担忧。居高不下的失业率、日益降低的劳动者待遇以及社会保障待遇使受援国公民在饱受经济困难的同时,又面临着社会经济权利受损。而这些不良后果很大程度上是由IMF严苛的贷款条件性引起。贷款条件性(Conditionality)由借款国为获得IMF贷款安排所须满足的一系列实体内容和程序条件构成,长期以来它常被批评可能侵犯借款国经济主权、影响受援国社会经济权利状况、易成为发达国家控制发展中国家经济命脉的工具等,但为了IMF的贷款能够及时收回,贷款条件性的设置无可厚非。近年来,IMF着手对其贷款安排、贷款条件性等进行改革,但改革措施似乎依旧未触及发达国家在IMF中的主导地位。文章以IMF贷款条件性研究为题,运用历史分析、实证分析等研究方法,借IMF在希腊、阿根廷、韩国等国的贷款安排及社会影响探讨IMF贷款条件性本身的不足及其与受援国社会经济权利的内在矛盾。虽然从根本上说,贷款条件性与受援国社会经济权利的抵牾不可消除,但若能建立有效的监督机制、优化贷款条件性设置的程序并改革IMF中对于发达国家和发展中国家而言不公平的因素,贷款条件性与受援国社会经济权利的“纳什均衡”应该能够实现。这也是中国作为在IMF中经济地位最重要的发展中国家,应该推进IMF改革的方向。
[Abstract]:The International Monetary Fund (International Monetary Fund,) has been contributing to the maintenance of the world financial order and the balanced development of member economies since its establishment. But in the last decade or so, the IMF's performance in the face of the economic crisis in its member countries has been subdued, with a steady devaluation of its currency, encouraging export stimulus and tightening fiscal policies, although it has allowed recipient countries to recover slightly in economic terms. But the human rights situation of its citizens, especially socio-economic rights, is worrying. The high unemployment rate, the decreasing labor treatment and the social security treatment make the citizens of the recipient country suffer from the economic difficulties, but also face the damage of the social and economic rights. And these adverse consequences are largely caused by the IMF's strict loan conditionality. Loan conditionality (Conditionality) consists of a series of substantive and procedural conditions that a borrower country must satisfy in order to obtain a IMF loan arrangement. For a long time, it has often been criticized that it may infringe upon the economic sovereignty of the borrowing country and affect the social and economic rights of the recipient country. It is easy to become a tool for the developed countries to control the economic lifelines of developing countries, but in order to get the IMF loans back in time, the conditionality of the loans can not be criticized. In recent years, the IMF has begun to reform its loan arrangements and loan conditionality, but the reform measures still do not seem to have touched the dominant position of developed countries in the IMF. Based on the research of IMF loan conditionality, this paper uses historical analysis, empirical analysis and other research methods to borrow IMF in Greece and Argentina. On the loan arrangement and Social impact of Korea and other countries the deficiency of the conditionality of IMF loan and its inherent contradiction with the social and economic rights of the recipient country are discussed. Although fundamentally speaking, the contradiction between the conditionality of loans and the socio-economic rights of recipient countries cannot be eliminated, but if an effective monitoring mechanism can be established, The "Nash equilibrium" between loan conditionality and the social and economic rights of recipient countries should be realized by optimizing the procedures of loan conditionality setting and reforming the unfair factors in IMF for both developed and developing countries. China, as the most important developing country in IMF, should promote the reform of IMF.
[Abstract]:The International Monetary Fund (International Monetary Fund,) has been contributing to the maintenance of the world financial order and the balanced development of member economies since its establishment. But in the last decade or so, the IMF's performance in the face of the economic crisis in its member countries has been subdued, with a steady devaluation of its currency, encouraging export stimulus and tightening fiscal policies, although it has allowed recipient countries to recover slightly in economic terms. But the human rights situation of its citizens, especially socio-economic rights, is worrying. The high unemployment rate, the decreasing labor treatment and the social security treatment make the citizens of the recipient country suffer from the economic difficulties, but also face the damage of the social and economic rights. And these adverse consequences are largely caused by the IMF's strict loan conditionality. Loan conditionality (Conditionality) consists of a series of substantive and procedural conditions that a borrower country must satisfy in order to obtain a IMF loan arrangement. For a long time, it has often been criticized that it may infringe upon the economic sovereignty of the borrowing country and affect the social and economic rights of the recipient country. It is easy to become a tool for the developed countries to control the economic lifelines of developing countries, but in order to get the IMF loans back in time, the conditionality of the loans can not be criticized. In recent years, the IMF has begun to reform its loan arrangements and loan conditionality, but the reform measures still do not seem to have touched the dominant position of developed countries in the IMF. Based on the research of IMF loan conditionality, this paper uses historical analysis, empirical analysis and other research methods to borrow IMF in Greece and Argentina. On the loan arrangement and Social impact of Korea and other countries the deficiency of the conditionality of IMF loan and its inherent contradiction with the social and economic rights of the recipient country are discussed. Although fundamentally speaking, the contradiction between the conditionality of loans and the socio-economic rights of recipient countries cannot be eliminated, but if an effective monitoring mechanism can be established, The "Nash equilibrium" between loan conditionality and the social and economic rights of recipient countries should be realized by optimizing the procedures of loan conditionality setting and reforming the unfair factors in IMF for both developed and developing countries. China, as the most important developing country in IMF, should promote the reform of IMF.