[Abstract]:As an important part of China's rural health medical team, the study of rural doctors is of vital importance in the area of rural health and medical prevention, basic medical care and publicity and education, but in the whole course of the development of rural doctors, The issue of compensation benefits has become an important factor that affects the stability and development of the team, and becomes a difficult problem to deepen the reform of rural health. Since 2009, the State Council's Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Health and Health System of the State Council and the State Council's Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System have not been well solved in terms of how to improve the remuneration and welfare of the rural doctors, even though there has been some explanation in the management regulations of the village doctors, The loss of the village medicine has increased year by year. On the other hand, because of the remoteness of Ningxia, the financial department of the higher level is limited by the economic capacity, and some of the human factors have caused some of the national policy to be unable to fall to the real position, so that the village doctor's work is lacking of enthusiasm and the reserve of talents can not be supplemented. The purpose of this study is to compare the change of the salary and welfare of the rural doctors before and after the new medical reform in Ningxia as the research site in the remote and remote areas of the northwest, and to provide the theoretical basis for the management theory, such as salary management, social security, public policy and so on. Based on the statistical method, the changes of the salary and welfare reform of the rural doctor in Ningxia and the impact of the new medical reform on the salary and welfare are analyzed, the main problems in the reform and the reasons of the analysis are found out, and the relevant reference suggestions are put forward. The basic status of rural doctors was described by means of descriptive statistics methods, such as the proportion, frequency and mean number of the rural doctors, and the changes of the income and the income structure of the rural doctors before and after the new medical reform were analyzed by using the method of the two-difference method. The factors that affect the income level of the rural doctors are analyzed by the method of the multiple linear regression, the income satisfaction of the rural doctors and the change of the old-age insurance are compared and analyzed by using the method of the card-side test. The income level of the rural doctors was compared with the township health workers and the rural teachers by means of single factor analysis of variance. The results showed that the annual total income of the rural doctors in the income level by the new medical reform was 12343.53 yuan/ person/ year, and the increase to 227.58. 81 yuan/ person/ year, the growth rate was 104.28 yuan/ person/ year, and the study showed that the income increased before the new medical reform. The influence of the new medical reform policy on the village medical income level is realized by applying the method of the multiple linear regression, and the radiation population of the village health room is the main factor that affects the income level of the village doctor; In the income structure, the rural doctor has not changed much from the medical income and the agricultural income before the new medical reform, but the biggest change is the subsidy income, from 0% before the medical reform to the current 26. 70%, and the result shows that the difference between the two differences is of statistical significance (P0.05). The results showed that there was a change before and after the reform of the medical reform, and the effect was large; the rate of income satisfaction was increased from 13.00% in the first of the new medical reform to 44.4% after the medical reform, and the difference was of statistical significance (P <0.05), indicating that the rural doctor had a significant improvement in the income satisfaction before the new medical reform; The results showed that the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). Recommendation: 1. Increase policy support and improve rural doctor's salary and welfare management system; 2. standardize the performance appraisal system of rural doctors and widen the professional development path of village doctors; 3. Improve the basic treatment of rural doctors and ensure the sustainable development of village doctors; 4. Implement the rural doctor's endowment insurance policy, reduce the large amount of loss of the village doctor; 5, pay attention to the promotion opportunity of the rural doctor, and promote the establishment of the round-robin mode.
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