The Effect of Exchange Rate on Employment and Industrial Out
发布时间:2021-06-09 03:58
【文章页数】:62 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Significance of the Study
2 Literature review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Theoretical review
2.3 Empirical review
2.4 Importance of Industrialization
3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Industrial Framework policy of ECOWAS in General
4 Data
4.1 Employment Sector in the Selected West African countries
4.1.1 Employment in Gambia
4.1.2 Employment in Ghana
4.1.3 Employment in Liberia
4.1.4 Employment in Nigeria
4.1.5 Employment in Sierra Leone
4.2 Exchange Rate
4.2.1 Exchange Rate of Gambia
4.2.2 Exchange Rate of Ghana
4.2.3 Exchange Rate of Liberia
4.2.4 Exchange Rate of Nigeria
4.2.5 Exchange Rate of Sierra Leone
4.3 Industrial Output
4.3.1 Industrial Output of Gambia
4.3.2 Industrial Output of Ghana
4.3.3 Industrial Output of Liberia
4.3.4 Industrial Output of Nigeria
4.3.5 Industrial output of Sierra Leone
4.4.1 ADF of Exchange Rate of Gambia and interpretation of results
4.4.2 ADF of Exchange Rate of Ghana and interpretation of results
4.4.3 ADF of Exchange Rate of Nigeria and interpretation of results
4.4.4 ADF of Exchange Rate of Liberia and interpretation of results
4.4.5 ADF of Exchange Rate of Sierra Leone and interpretation of results
4.4.6 ADF of Industrial Output of Gambia and interpretation of results
4.4.7 ADF of Industrial Output of Ghana and interpretation of results
4.4.8 ADF of Industrial Output of Nigeria and interpretation of results
4.4.9 ADF of Industrial Output of Liberia and interpretation of results
4.4.10 ADF of Industrial Output of Sierra Leone and interpretation of results
4.4.11 ADF of Employment of Gambia and interpretation of results
4.4.12 ADF of Employment of Ghana and interpretation of results
4.4.13 ADF of Employment of Nigeria and interpretation of results
4.4.14 ADF of Employment of Liberia and interpretation of results
4.4.15 ADF of Employment of Sierra Leone and interpretation of results
4.5 Johansen Co-Integration Test
4.5.1 Co-integration test of Gambia
4.5.2 Co-integration test of Ghana
4.5.3 Co-integration test of Nigeria
4.5.4 Co-integration test of Liberia
4.5.5 Co-integration test of Sierra Leone
4.6 Vector Error Correction Model
4.6.1 Vector Error Correction Model for Gambia
4.6.2 Vector Error Correction Model for Liberia
4.6.3 Vector Error Correction Model for Nigeria
4.6.4 Vector Error Correction Model for Sierra Leone
5 Summary and conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of the Study
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations and suggestion for further researches
【文章页数】:62 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Significance of the Study
2 Literature review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Theoretical review
2.3 Empirical review
2.4 Importance of Industrialization
3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Industrial Framework policy of ECOWAS in General
4 Data
4.1 Employment Sector in the Selected West African countries
4.1.1 Employment in Gambia
4.1.2 Employment in Ghana
4.1.3 Employment in Liberia
4.1.4 Employment in Nigeria
4.1.5 Employment in Sierra Leone
4.2 Exchange Rate
4.2.1 Exchange Rate of Gambia
4.2.2 Exchange Rate of Ghana
4.2.3 Exchange Rate of Liberia
4.2.4 Exchange Rate of Nigeria
4.2.5 Exchange Rate of Sierra Leone
4.3 Industrial Output
4.3.1 Industrial Output of Gambia
4.3.2 Industrial Output of Ghana
4.3.3 Industrial Output of Liberia
4.3.4 Industrial Output of Nigeria
4.3.5 Industrial output of Sierra Leone
4.4.1 ADF of Exchange Rate of Gambia and interpretation of results
4.4.2 ADF of Exchange Rate of Ghana and interpretation of results
4.4.3 ADF of Exchange Rate of Nigeria and interpretation of results
4.4.4 ADF of Exchange Rate of Liberia and interpretation of results
4.4.5 ADF of Exchange Rate of Sierra Leone and interpretation of results
4.4.6 ADF of Industrial Output of Gambia and interpretation of results
4.4.7 ADF of Industrial Output of Ghana and interpretation of results
4.4.8 ADF of Industrial Output of Nigeria and interpretation of results
4.4.9 ADF of Industrial Output of Liberia and interpretation of results
4.4.10 ADF of Industrial Output of Sierra Leone and interpretation of results
4.4.11 ADF of Employment of Gambia and interpretation of results
4.4.12 ADF of Employment of Ghana and interpretation of results
4.4.13 ADF of Employment of Nigeria and interpretation of results
4.4.14 ADF of Employment of Liberia and interpretation of results
4.4.15 ADF of Employment of Sierra Leone and interpretation of results
4.5 Johansen Co-Integration Test
4.5.1 Co-integration test of Gambia
4.5.2 Co-integration test of Ghana
4.5.3 Co-integration test of Nigeria
4.5.4 Co-integration test of Liberia
4.5.5 Co-integration test of Sierra Leone
4.6 Vector Error Correction Model
4.6.1 Vector Error Correction Model for Gambia
4.6.2 Vector Error Correction Model for Liberia
4.6.3 Vector Error Correction Model for Nigeria
4.6.4 Vector Error Correction Model for Sierra Leone
5 Summary and conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of the Study
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations and suggestion for further researches