本文关键词: 主动回归型 返乡农民工 回归因由 社会影响 出处:《浙江师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:农村劳动力向城市迁移,农业劳动力向非农产业转移,是全球城市化工业化进程中的必然现象。与西方发达国家的单线型迁移不同,中国由于其特殊的城市化工业化发展战略以及包括户籍制在内的结构性约束的存在,中国农民工的迁移呈现“钟摆型”或“候鸟型”。尤其在2008年金融危机之后,主动返乡的农民工数量有不断增加的趋势。政府和学者对返回农村的农民工给予了极大的关注。但从自我的意愿以及在自我理性分析基础上作出回归决策的农民工常常被专家学者们所忽略。主动回归型农民工的基本情况是怎样?到底什么原因导致了他们选择主动返乡?打工给他们留下了哪些变化?返回家乡以后主要从事什么工作?返乡农民工在家庭中的影响和对子女教育问题会有怎样的变化?他们的回乡会对当地社会以及城市化的进程带来什么样的影响等等?笔者试图从微观层面入手,以农民工的理性分析为主线,来解答这些问题。 本文采取了田野调查的方式,观察返乡农民工的生活工作,在此基础上,选取10个返乡农民工的家庭,作为深度访谈的对象。本文试图从社会学的角度来探讨“主动回归型”返乡农民工的回乡抉择以及对村庄的影响,在实践上具有一定的意义与价值。 本文共分为六个部分。 第一部分为导论部分,首先介绍了问题的由来及意义,其次对国内外相关文献进行回顾,随后对相关概念进行界定并说明本文的研究方法。 第二部分描述了研究对象的基本情况,展示了三个典型案例,在此基础上分析“主动回归型”返乡农民工的五大社会特征。 第三部分从乡村社会的共识、子女的受教育状况、乡村现时的发展以及外乡务工的种种不足之处,分析“主动回归型”返乡农民工的回归原因。调查表明,返乡是农民工在理性考虑的基础上主动做出的选择。 第四部分阐述了返乡农民工在思想意识、技能素质、生活适应能力等方面的变化,这些变化是他们成为新农村建设主力军的基础。 第五部分论述了农民工的主动返乡对未成年子女的教育、成年子女的帮扶、留守老人问题的解决、农村人力资本的充实、促进农村传统观念以及传统生活方式的改变起着不可低估的作用,一部分农民工的城镇安居在实践上印证了费孝通提出的“小城镇化”的发展模式。大部分返乡农民工在公路边建房的行为也是城市化的一种新方式。 第六部分为总结部分。该部分对文章的内容做了整体的概括。
[Abstract]:The migration of rural labor to cities and agricultural labor to non-agricultural industries is an inevitable phenomenon in the process of global urbanization and industrialization, which is different from the single-line migration of western developed countries. China because of its special urbanization industrialization development strategy and the existence of structural constraints including the household registration system. The migration of migrant workers in China is characterized by "pendulum" or "migratory birds", especially after the financial crisis in 2008. The government and scholars pay great attention to the migrant workers who return to the countryside. However, the government and scholars pay great attention to the farmers who make the regression decision based on the self-rational analysis. Workers are often ignored by experts and scholars. What is the basic situation of active returning migrant workers? What causes them to choose to return home voluntarily? What changes have been left by working for them? What kind of work do you mainly do after returning to your hometown? What changes will be made to the impact of returning migrant workers in their families and to the education of their children? What impact will their return bring to the local society and the process of urbanization and so on? The author tries to answer these questions from the micro-level, taking the rational analysis of migrant workers as the main line. This paper takes the way of field investigation to observe the life and work of migrant workers returning to their hometown. On this basis, 10 families of migrant workers returning home are selected. As the object of in-depth interview, this paper attempts to discuss the "active return" migrant workers' choice of return and its influence on the village from the angle of sociology, which has certain significance and value in practice. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction part, which firstly introduces the origin and significance of the problem, then reviews the relevant literature at home and abroad, then defines the relevant concepts and explains the research methods of this paper. The second part describes the basic situation of the research object, shows three typical cases, and then analyzes the five social characteristics of the "active regression" returning migrant workers. The third part analyzes the reasons for the return of "active return" migrant workers from the consensus of rural society, the education of children, the current development of rural areas and the shortcomings of migrant workers in rural areas. Returning home is a choice made by peasant workers on the basis of rational consideration. The 4th part expounds the changes in ideology, skill quality, life adaptability and so on, which are the basis for them to become the main force in the construction of new countryside. In the 5th part, the author discusses the education of the minor children, the help of the adult children, the solution of the problem of the left-behind elderly, and the enrichment of the rural human capital. The promotion of rural traditional concepts and traditional lifestyle changes play a role that can not be underestimated. The practice of some peasant workers living in cities and towns confirms the development model of "small urbanization" put forward by Fei Xiaotong. The behavior of most migrant workers returning home to build houses by the highway is also a new way of urbanization. Part 6th is the summary part. This part summarizes the content of the article as a whole.
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