发布时间:2018-01-29 05:55
本文关键词: 宜居城市 高品质 创新性 评价体系 出处:《武汉大学》2011年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在一定意义上讲,人类的发展历程就是一部城市发展史。特别是工业革命以来,随着经济社会的快速发展,城市便越来越成为人类主要的居住地。如何建设适合人类居住的美好城市家园,不断满足人类对自身生活日益增长的追求成为越来越多的学者和民众关注的焦点。 时代发展到今天,人类有理由、有条件让城市不仅环境变得更加美好、更加生态、更加适宜人类居住;更重要的是,城市还要成为市民的精神家园、成为人类和谐共居的地方,成为能够积极主动地提升人类生活质量和生活品味的地方;成为能够激励和促进居民实现人生价值的地方。但是在当代的中国和世界其他发展中国家里,由于经济和社会发展的协调性问题的忽视,以及人口资源之间的紧张关系,各种城市问题层出不穷,城市病成为困扰社会发展的顽疾之一。怎样化解这些发展中的问题,以及如何在现有条件下,建设更加符合人性发展需求的现代高品质城市居住环境条件已经成为中国和许多国家经济社会向更深层次、纵身发展亟待破解的难题。 本研究的出发点就是要紧随时代发展的要求,在关注当代城市病日益严重的现实情况下,根据马斯洛关于人的需求层次理论,可持续发展理论和以人为本等理论的要求,认为一个高品质的现代城市不仅要有优美的环境,便捷的生活设施,发达、通畅的交通。真正能够满足人类追求更高品质与品味生活的现代宜居城市,应该还要能够给广大市民带来幸福感和归属感,不仅仅只有优美的城市硬件条件,最重要的是居住其中的居民能够时时感受到一种人间温情、能够获得一种高品质的生活、能够享受愉悦、舒心、高质量的现代城市生活。在这种现代新型的宜居城市环境中,市民的生活不再只满足于舒适、便捷、生态的生活环境;而是有着更高的人生追求和更高品味的人生价值观。也就是说,这种高品质的城市生活不仅仅停留于物质层面的满足,可以看到的场景就是居民们对实现人生价值或者自身的角色价值得到公认而在不断挖掘自身的能力和创造力;为满足他人的需求而做出不竭努力。 本研究认为,新型的、符合当代需求的城市,在城市文化层面上,应该有创新性、高品位的城市文化和精神环境,让居于其中的居民普遍富有不断开拓进取、不断追求高品位的人生并享有高尚情操的生活。 如何实现这种既有优美、惬意、健康的自然生态环境,又有高尚、文明的城市文化环境的现代宜居城市,显然是我们当代人最需关注的问题。为实现这一主要目标需要整个社会系统的协调运作,需要社会各个子系统为实现这一目标而完成好自身的任务。显然这首先需要有符合时代发展需要和适合市民愿望的城市发展理论的指导。 本研究首先对世界城市发展理论,特别是宜居城市建设理论进行了系统的梳理。由此得出了城市建设理论的两个主要特征。一是各个时代的城市建设理论,都是与当时代的经济和社会发展水平相一致、相适应。囿于时代的局限性,各种城市建设理论都只能将主要着眼点放在当时城市所出现的主要问题上。所以,城市建设理论的第二个特点就是都是被动性的为解决每个时代所面临的城市困境而提出的解决方案。这当然符合理论发展的一般规律,但这样也使得人类的城市建设理论总是周而复始地行走在解决一个问题,不久又冒出另一些问题,然后又提出新的解决方案这样的循环中被动性地适应着环境的变化。在理论上缺乏风险意识和前瞻性。 今天,我们不能再让城市建设理论沿着这种道路无休止地循环下去了。风险社会理论和可持续发展理论都为提出新的、物质文明和精神文明俱佳、同时具有积极开拓创新精神的宜居城市理论提供了思想和理论基础。本研究接下来就以风险社会理论、可持续发展理论、以人为本的思想结合马斯洛的人类需求层次理论,提出了一种新型的城市建设理论——创新型宜居城市理论。强调在新时代,相较于西方城市资源丰富,人口不多,而中国城市各种资源相对紧张,人口不断膨胀的现实条件,提出要创新性地解决资源紧张与追求高品质生说之间的矛盾,要用创造性的思维来建立一种全体市民追求创造性、高品位城市生活的新型城市环境的观点。 在这种新型的城市中,它不仅可以提供传统宜居城市理论所要求的宜人的生态环境,便捷的交通体系,可持续的经济结构,和谐、安全的居住环境,而且最主要的是能够给广大居民提供一种积极主动地建设富有创新性、开拓性的城市环境和人生目标的精神和文化环境;提供促使每个市民都能提升生活品味和追求、完善自我人格、实现自我人生价值的激励环境。使每个生活其中的居民不仅享受最现代化的物质生活和宜人的环境,而且可以促使大家最大化实现人生的追求和人生价值。应该说这是人类迄今为止最高级、最富有想象力和创造力的城市环境。能够生活在这种城市环境之中的人,无疑是世界上最幸福的市民。 相较于传统的宜居城市理论,创新型宜居城市最显著的特征是它的积极主动性与和谐、文明、积极向上的精神面貌以及高品质的市民文化精神素养。他们不会只是被动性地接受环境提供的资源而安享其成;而是以积极主动的、具有风险意识、不断开拓进取精神来面对一切。实现这种现代意义上的创新型宜居城市最主要的途径就是要将优美、生态、便捷的城市环境建设与文明、包容、积极、开拓向上、追求高品位的人生价值等关系市民的文明素养的软件建设统一起来,使二者在建设现代宜居城市过程中达到一种均衡。 随后在实地调查的基础上,为如何在中国实现这种理想的现代宜居城市提出了建设性的方案。根据这一新型的宜居城市建设理论,为具体实施和评价城市建设的成果,本研究选取了北京、武汉和长沙等城市进行了问卷调查和深入访谈。在比较和分析中国几个城市调查结果的基础上,从设计了一套新的宜居城市评价体系。根据官方公布的主要经济社会发展数据,依据这一新的评价体系对武汉市的城市宜居性和创新性进行了测评。为武汉建设创新型宜居城市提出了建议。 本研究最后设计了一套新的评价指标来对创新型宜居城市进行主客观判定。
[Abstract]:In a certain sense , the course of human development is the history of urban development , especially since the industrial revolution , with the rapid development of economy and society , the city becomes more and more the main place of human settlement . However , in contemporary China and other developing countries in the world , urban diseases have become one of the stubborn diseases that plague social development . However , in the present China and other developing countries , the conditions of living environment in modern high quality cities which are more consistent with the human development needs have become one of the persistent problems that plague the development of society . The starting point of this research is to keep pace with the demands of the times , and in the light of the increasingly serious situation of contemporary urban diseases , it is believed that a high - quality modern city not only needs a beautiful environment , convenient living facilities , developed and smooth transportation . In this modern city environment , people can enjoy a high - quality life and enjoy a pleasant , comfortable and high - quality modern city life . In other words , this kind of high - quality city life is not only satisfied with a comfortable , convenient and ecological environment of life . In other words , this kind of high - quality city life is not only satisfied with a pleasant , comfortable and high - quality modern city life . In other words , this high - quality city life is not only satisfied with a pleasant , comfortable and high - quality modern city life . According to the study , the new and contemporary demand - oriented cities should have innovative , high - grade urban cultural and spiritual environment on the urban cultural level , so that the residents living in them are generally rich and enterprising , constantly pursuing high - grade life and enjoying the life of noble sentiment . How to realize this beautiful , pleasant , healthy natural ecological environment , and the noble and civilized city culture environment modern livable city , obviously is the most important problem that our generation needs to pay attention to . To realize this main goal requires the coordinated operation of the whole social system , needs the various subsystems of the society to accomplish its own task for the realization of this goal . It is clear that this first needs to have the guidance of the urban development theory which accords with the needs of the times development and the desire of the citizens . Therefore , the second characteristic of urban construction theory is that all kinds of urban construction theories can only put the main focus on the main problems in the time . Therefore , the second characteristic of the theory of city construction is the solution which is proposed to solve the city ' s predicament in the time . This paper puts forward a new theory of city construction , which is based on the theory of risk society , sustainable development theory , people - oriented thought and Maslow ' s theory of human needs . In this new city , it can not only provide the ecological environment , the convenient transportation system , the sustainable economic structure , the harmonious and safe living environment required by the traditional city theory , but also can provide the residents with an incentive to actively and actively construct the innovative , pioneering city environment and the life goal . Compared with the traditional livable city theory , the most prominent feature of innovative livable city is its positive initiative and harmony , civilization , positive mental outlook and high - quality spiritual accomplishment . Based on the field investigation , this paper puts forward a constructive plan for the realization of the ideal modern livable city in China . According to this new theory of city construction , a new evaluation system for city construction is selected from Beijing , Wuhan and Changsha . Based on the comparison and analysis of the survey results of several cities in China , a new evaluation system is designed . According to the official announcement of the main economic and social development data , this new evaluation system is based on this new evaluation system , and puts forward some suggestions for the construction of innovative livable cities in Wuhan . In the end , a new set of evaluation indexes is designed to objectively determine the innovative livable city .
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