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发布时间:2018-03-08 23:10

  本文选题:民国时期 切入点:淮河流域 出处:《安徽师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:民国时期中国自然灾害频繁发生,襟江带淮的安徽省受灾情况更是严重。安徽的自然灾害包括水灾、旱灾、蝗灾、地震、瘟疫等,而水旱灾害又在诸类灾害中占据头等地位。本文从社会学的视角,以近代民国阶段为切入点,探讨了安徽淮河流域水旱灾害对乡村社会的影响和政府、民间在灾害中的应对举措,力图把握水旱灾害与乡村社会之间的关系,以期丰富和完善民国社会史的研究。 文章首先对民国时期安徽淮河流域灾害的概况、特点及成因作了介绍,继而对灾害环境下安徽淮河流域的乡村经济和民众生活进行了阐述,包括土地集中、物价飙升、农业生产遭到破坏、生态环境恶化以及灾民生活贫困、流民四起、道德失范和迷信盛行等内容并进行了评价。随后对灾害下的乡村冲突进行了分析,认为灾害下的乡村冲突主要包括区域冲突和阶层冲突。最后对国民政府、革命根据地和民间应对饥荒的措施进行了概述,,认为国民政府的赈灾发挥了一定的作用,但革命根据地和民间力量的赈灾救荒更是难能可贵,民间力量弥补了政府赈灾的不足,保证了救灾工作的顺利开展。
[Abstract]:Natural disasters occurred frequently in China during the period of the Republic of China, especially in Anhui Province, where floods, droughts, locusts, earthquakes, pestilences, and so on were affected by natural disasters such as floods, droughts, locusts, earthquakes, and plagues. The flood and drought disasters occupy the first place among all kinds of disasters. From the perspective of sociology, this paper discusses the impact of flood and drought disasters on the rural society and the government in the Huaihe River Basin, Anhui Province, from the perspective of the modern period of the Republic of China. In order to enrich and perfect the study of the history of the Republic of China, the folk measures to deal with the disaster are trying to grasp the relationship between the flood and drought disasters and the rural society. This paper first introduces the general situation, characteristics and causes of the disasters in Anhui Huaihe River Basin during the period of the Republic of China, and then expounds the rural economy and people's life in Anhui Huaihe River Basin under the disaster environment, including land concentration and soaring prices. The destruction of agricultural production, the deterioration of the ecological environment and the poverty of the victims, the emergence of displaced persons, the prevalence of moral anomie and superstition, etc., and the subsequent analysis of the rural conflicts under the disaster, It is considered that the rural conflicts under disasters mainly include regional conflicts and class conflicts. Finally, the measures taken by the National Government, the revolutionary base areas and the folk to deal with famine are summarized, and it is considered that the national government has played a certain role in disaster relief. But the relief and relief of revolutionary base area and folk force is even more precious, folk forces make up for the deficiency of government relief, and ensure the smooth development of relief work.


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