本文选题:马克思 切入点:人性 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:马克思的人性理论使人类对人性问题的认识达到了科学的形态,具有里程碑式的意义。马克思对这一问题的认识经历了一个从唯心主义到唯物主义、从不成熟的探索到系统科学理论建立的发展过程。由于人性问题本身就在古今中外的思想史上众说纷纭,而且界定的角度也不同,所以学术界对于马克思人性理论的理解历来就存在着分歧。本文立足于“劳动是人的本质”、“人的现实本质是一切社会关系的总和”、“人的需要是人的本性”这三个观点来把握马克思的人性理论,试图通过分析人性理论与我国当代社会发展的联系来探寻人性的价值。 马克思的人性理论和马克思关于人的全面发展理论是紧密相联的,马克思的人性理论并不仅仅是为解决一个理论问题,更是为有效地推动人的全面发展。因此马克思对人性问题科学全面的阐释不仅有利于我们正确理解人性,而且为人的全面发展指明了方向。马克思的人性理论也为我国的制度改革提供了理论依据,通过对制度和人性的历史考察我们发现,在人们社会实践基础上二者之间存在着互动关系,特别是制度的诞生和变革体现着人性发展要求。我们应该依据人性的发展要求,坚持以人为本的原则构建适应其发展要求的合理制度。笔者认为马克思人性理论的另一个重要价值在于启迪我们在意义缺失的现代社会如何确立正确的幸福观。因为马克思人性理论揭示了人类幸福的内涵、动力和内容,指明了个人幸福和社会幸福的统一性。 我国正处于社会发展的转型时期,在这个时期我们会面临很多问题,特别是人的问题更加突出,如人的价值观、人的信仰危机、人的集体归属感等问题。解决好这些问题将有利于促进社会的进步和人的全面发展。
[Abstract]:Marx's theory of human nature has made the understanding of human nature reach the scientific form and has the milestone meaning. Marx's understanding of this problem has experienced a process from idealism to materialism. From the immature exploration to the development of the system science theory. Because the human nature question itself has different opinions in the history of thought in ancient, modern and modern countries, and the angle of definition is also different, Therefore, there have always been differences in the understanding of Marx's theory of human nature in academic circles. This paper is based on the three aspects of "labor is the essence of man", "the essence of human reality is the sum total of all social relations", and "the need of man is human nature". To grasp Marx's theory of human nature, This paper attempts to explore the value of human nature by analyzing the relationship between the theory of human nature and the development of contemporary society in China. Marx's theory of human nature is closely related to Marx's theory on the all-round development of human beings. Marx's theory of human nature is not just to solve a theoretical problem. Therefore, Marx's scientific and comprehensive interpretation of human nature is not only conducive to our correct understanding of human nature, Marx's theory of human nature also provides a theoretical basis for the institutional reform of our country. By examining the history of institutions and human nature, we find that, On the basis of people's social practice, there is an interactive relationship between the two, especially the birth and reform of the system reflects the requirements of human development, we should be based on the development of human nature. The author thinks that another important value of Marx's theory of human nature is to enlighten us how to establish the correct concept of happiness in the modern society where the meaning is missing. Because Marx's theory of human nature reveals the meaning of human happiness, Motivation and content indicate the unity of individual happiness and social happiness. Our country is in the transition period of social development, in this period we will face a lot of problems, especially the human problem is more prominent, such as people's values, people's faith crisis, Solving these problems will help to promote social progress and all-round development.
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