本文选题:计划生育 切入点:权力 出处:《吉林大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:国家与农民的关系是个经久不衰的话题。中国的国家与农民的关系更多地体现在作为国家行政序列权力末梢的乡镇基层政府与农民的关系上,基层社会的日常生活是代表国家的乡镇基层政府和农民互动的舞台。传统的对基层政府与农民关系的大量研究集中在国家与作为抽象存在的农民集体的关系上而忽略了国家与个体农民关系的研究。因此,本文重点研究国家与个体农民的关系在日常生活中到底呈现怎样的实践状态。本文以计划生育治理超生为视角以此来透视国家与个体农民的关系。选取计划生育为研究视角是基于计划生育在基层政府工作中的重要性凸显;涉及整个党政部门;计划生育的非公共性和现实紧迫性的考虑。 本文在文献梳理中发现以往的研究主要是以中国式的国家政权建设为主线,以“国家——社会”为框架,这一研究模式极大的限制了对国家与个体农民关系研究的深入和进一步的拓展.因此,本文力图避免“国家——社会”分析框架,从日常生活出发,从关注卑微的、个体的农民在计划生育超生问题上与基层政府的流动的、鲜活的、片段的、在动态中充满着“隐秘”的权力关系,从中透视出国家与个体农民的复杂但又微妙的关系。 本文以权力为切入点,通过分析基层政府与个体农民的权力关系来透视国家与个体农民的关系。在权力关系的分析中,借用了福柯的微观权力与斯科特的“弱者的武器”和“隐藏的文本”理论,并进行修正,使之符合中国的经验现实。最后,对权力做了一些界定。首先,权力是一种关系,只有在关系中,我们才能窥视到权力的流动性、多变性、隐秘性及其背后深层次运作逻辑;其次,权力只有在日常生活中的“事件”中才能呈现出它的本真面目,人们的日常生活更能折射出权力运作的痕迹,因此,“事件”的情景构成了权力关系的一部分; 最后,我们分析权力时,仅仅着眼于权力运作的表面,得出的结论或许能适应那种泛道德化和泛意识形态化的话语,但却会忽视平静水面下的潜流,而这正是权力分析的本质所在。本文在批评“结构——制度”的研究策略的基础上,借用了孙立平教授的“过程——事件分析”策略。作为一种研究策略,“过程——事件分析”主要研究国家和农民的实践状态,它试图摆脱传统的结构和制度分析方法,从人们的事件和过程中去把握真实的互动关系。“过程—事件分析”策略是我们洞见国家与个体农民动态的、流动的关系,“连根拔起”其中的“隐秘关系”的一种非常好的方法。 本文首先对农民的经典形象进行再分析,指出传统意义上对农民的认识存在着一种僵化的泛意识形态化的认识,使学者脑海中早已潜伏并作祟的价值预设阻碍了他们发现社会事实的隐秘,蒙蔽了学者的洞察力,阻碍了他们发现社会事实的悖论。因此,本文认为对农民形象的认识应该放到具体的情境中,发现农民“可怜”的一面,但不能忽略农民“可嫌”的那一面。 国家在治理超生上通过法律文本的层层制作、在村庄的宣传、张贴黑名单、例行的孕检和“抓人”、“连坐”、“抄家”等一系列的正式的和非正式的权力技术来达到治理目标。在这一过程中我们发现国家权力强硬与柔软相结合、经济与实用相结合、展示与恐吓相结合、凝视与宣泄相结合,织成了一张绵密的权力之网。但是,无论这个权力之网如何绵密,农民总会发现它的弱点,这就是农民的智慧之处。农民的智慧在于他们在实践中有着层出不穷的抗争策略:逃跑的艺术、假离婚、未婚先育与迁户口对制度漏洞的巧妙利用、行贿、寻求记者的介入、请计生干部参加超生成功农民的“庆功宴”直至形成弥漫在村落的超生的“亚文化”。而这些抗争策略尽量不正面与政府发生冲突,尽量降低违法成本,尽量做好各方面的平衡,这里处处体现着农民的生存智慧,处处体现着农民狡黠的影子。 叙事是为了阐述事件背后的意义,在此基础上提炼出了本文的主要观点。首先比较了农民个体的抗争与农民群体的抗争的区别;其次,本文认为个体农民的抗争会产生集聚效应,它以一种“平静的侵蚀”的方式对国家在农村的治理效果产生水滴石穿的作用,国家不得不对大量的超生行为“买单”;再次,它导致了国家政权建设“内卷化”的继续,为了治理大量的超生行为,基层政府投入大量的人力物力加以控制。这就形成了新时期杜赞奇所谓的国家政权“内卷化”;最后,是对“国家——社会”二分法在某种程度上的超越。通过研究发现,国家权力的触角伸缩有度,可以根据国家的需要伸入或撤出基层社会。而基层社会对国家权力的接纳与反抗也松弛有度,由此可见,国家和社会的边界常常是模糊的、流动的。复杂多变的社会现实使得国家的权力在不同的情形下显示不同的运作逻辑,而农民面对不同的权力运作则有着自己独特的应对方式。国家逻辑与农民逻辑既相互融合又相互“斗争”。
[Abstract]:The relationship between the state and the peasants is a long - lasting topic . The relationship between the state and the peasants is more reflected in the relationship between the state and the peasants . The traditional relationship between the grass - roots government and the farmers is based on the relationship between the state and the individual farmers . Therefore , this paper focuses on the importance of the family planning in the work of the grass - roots government .
This paper attempts to avoid the " state _ society " analysis frame from the daily life , and from the daily life , from the viewpoint of daily life , from the point of view of daily life , to pay attention to the relationship between the state and the individual farmer ' s power relationship with the grass - roots government , from which the complicated but subtle relationship between the country and the individual farmers can be seen .
In the analysis of power relations , we use the micro power of Fuke and the " weak weapon " and " hidden text " theory of Scott ' s " weak people " and " hidden text " theory to make it conform to China ' s experience reality . At last , power is a kind of relationship . Only in the relationship , can we peek into the power ' s fluidity , variability , secrecy and its deep level operation logic ; secondly , power is only in the " event " in daily life , people ' s daily life can reflect the trace of power operation , therefore , the situation of " incident " forms part of power relations ;
In the end , when we analyze the power , only focus on the surface of power operation , the conclusion may be able to adapt to the pan - moral and pan - consciousness discourse , but it is the essence of the power analysis . As a research strategy , the process _ event analysis mainly studies the practice state of the country and the farmer . It tries to get rid of the traditional structure and the system analysis method . The process - event analysis strategy is a very good method to see the relationship between the state and the individual farmers , the relation of flow , and the " secret relationship " among them .
This paper analyzes the classical image of the peasants first , points out that there is a kind of rigid pan - consciousness understanding of the farmers in the traditional sense , which hinders them to find the secret of the social fact , obscures the insight of the scholars and hinders them to find the paradox of the social fact . Therefore , this paper argues that the understanding of the image of the peasants should be put into the concrete situation , and the peasant ' s " poor " side cannot be neglected , but the one side of the peasant ' s " thought " cannot be neglected .
In this process , we find that the state power is combined with soft , economic and practical .
In order to explain the meaning behind the incident , the narration is the main point of view of the article . Firstly , the author compares the struggle between the individual farmers and the peasant group .
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