本文选题:老年人 切入点:养老意愿 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的:了解东北三省60岁以上老年人口基本情况、健康状况、经济状况、家庭与子女情况、养老意愿等,并探讨养老意愿的影响因素,为政府机关制定相关政策、社会资本流向适宜领域提供参考,为制定适合当地经济社会发展水平的养老策略提供依据。从而提高居民晚年生活幸福度,降低当地整体养老负担,缓解社会保障压力。方法:查阅有关文献,以辽宁、吉林和黑龙江东北三省年满60周岁的老年人作为调查对象,采用分层抽样,运用中国老年社会追踪调查(Chinese Longitudinal Aging Social Survey,CLASS)问卷进行问卷调查。调查问卷主要考察:老年人基本情况,社会经济状况,养老规划与意愿,身体状况和老人子女的情况。运用Epidata 3.0软件建立数据库并用SPSS 22.0软件进行统计分析。其中,描述计数资料时运用率、构成比等,运用卡方检验和无序多分类Logistic回归进行影响因素分析,α=0.05。结果:1.东北三省被调查老年人在养老意愿方面更倾向于在自己家养老,其次为子女家养老,选择机构养老的老年人较少,其中,倾向于自己家养老者占65.6%,倾向于子女养老者占26.0%,倾向于机构养老者占6.0%。2.通过卡方检验,性别、城乡属性、婚姻状况、年龄、文化程度、经济来源、子女数量和生活起居均对老年人养老意愿的选择产生影响,并具有统计学意义(P0.05)。3.通过Logistic回归分析,自己家养老与机构养老相比,老年人城乡属性和年龄具有统计学意义,农村高龄组老年人相比于城市低龄组老年人更倾向于自己家养老。子女家养老与机构养老相比,老年人城乡属性、婚姻状况、年龄、经济来源和子女数量有统计学意义,农村、无配偶、经济来源主要依靠子女资助且5个子女及以上的高龄组老年人相比于城市、有配偶、经济来源主要为其他且2个及以下子女的低龄组老年人,更倾向于子女家养老。结论:1.东北三省老年人更倾向于自己家养老和子女养老,机构养老意愿较低。2.城乡属性、婚姻状况、年龄、经济来源和子女数量是东北三省老年人养老意愿的影响因素。3.农村高龄组老年人相比于城市低龄组老年人更倾向于自己家养老。4.农村、无配偶、经济来源主要依靠子女资助且5个子女及以上的高龄组老年人相比于城市、有配偶、经济来源主要为其他且2个及以下子女的低龄组老年人,更倾向于子女养老。
[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the basic situation, health status, economic situation, family and children's situation, pension intention and so on of the elderly population over 60 years old in the three provinces of Northeast China, and to explore the influencing factors of the old age intention, so as to make relevant policies for the government organs. The flow of social capital to the appropriate field provides a reference for the formulation of a pension strategy suitable for the local economic and social development level, so as to improve the well-being of the residents' life in their later years, and reduce the overall burden of the local old-age support. Methods: referring to relevant documents and taking the elderly aged 60 or above in Liaoning, Jilin and Northeast Heilongjiang as the objects of investigation, stratified sampling was adopted. The Chinese Longitudinal Aging Social Survey questionnaire is used to investigate the basic situation, social and economic status, pension planning and willingness of the elderly. Using Epidata 3.0 software to establish database and SPSS 22.0 software for statistical analysis. Using chi-square test and disordered multi-classification Logistic regression to analyze the influencing factors, 伪 0.05.Results: 1. The elderly people surveyed in Northeast China were more inclined to care for the aged in their own home, followed by their children's family, and fewer of them chose the institution to provide for the aged. Among them, those who tend to care for the aged in their own family account for 65.6, those who tend to care for the aged by their children account for 26.0, those who tend to care for the aged in institutions account for 6.0.2. through chi-square test, sex, urban and rural attributes, marital status, age, education, economic resources, Both the number of children and the daily life of the elderly have a significant impact on the choice of their retirement willingness, and it is statistically significant to use Logistic regression analysis to show that the rural and urban attributes and ages of the elderly are statistically significant compared with those of the institutional pension. The elderly in rural areas are more inclined to provide for the aged at home than those in the urban low age group. Compared with the institutional old-age group, there are statistical differences in the urban and rural attributes, marital status, age, economic sources and the number of children. The elderly with five or more children were more likely to have spouses than those in urban areas, and their financial resources were mainly those of the other younger age groups with 2 or less children. Conclusion: the elderly in the three Northeast provinces are more inclined to provide for the aged at home and their children, and the willingness to provide for the aged in institutions is lower. 2. Urban and rural attributes, marital status, age, The economic sources and the number of children are the influencing factors of the elderly's pension intention in the three provinces of Northeast China. The elderly in the rural senior age group are more likely to have their own family pension than those in the urban low age group. In rural areas, there is no spouse, there is no spouse in the rural area. The elderly with five or more children were mainly dependent on their children and had spouses, and those with 2 or less children were more inclined to provide for the aged by their children.
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