本文选题:死亡焦虑 + 中国农村 ; 参考:《人口学刊》2017年04期
【摘要】:随着全球人口老龄化进程的不断加快,老年人死亡问题受到越来越多的关注。大多数的老年人面对死亡时采取回避或否认的态度,感到焦虑不安。死亡焦虑是老年人心理健康的重要标志,对老年人的生活质量产生重要的影响,但是长期以来受中国传统思想文化的影响,对老年人的死亡焦虑尤其是农村老年人的死亡焦虑一直缺乏科学规范的测量工具。本文引入国外常用的死亡焦虑量表DAQ(Death Anxiety Questionnaire),利用安徽省农村老年人福利动态跟踪调查2015年第六期的数据,验证其测量中国农村老年人死亡焦虑的适用性,分析中国农村老年人死亡焦虑的水平与结构。结果表明DAQ量表基本适用于测量中国农村老年人的死亡焦虑,农村老年人的死亡焦虑有其特殊的结构特征,包括对苦难的恐惧、对角色丧失的恐惧和对孤单的恐惧三个重要的方面。农村老年人的死亡焦虑处于中等偏低的水平,对苦难的恐惧是其死亡焦虑产生的主要来源。进一步的研究还表明,不同社会人口特征的农村老年人其死亡焦虑水平也具有一定的差异。本文还对影响中国农村老年人死亡焦虑的经济、社会和文化因素进行讨论和分析。本研究对于科学评价中国农村老年人的死亡焦虑状况,进而提出适宜的社会政策和社会服务提供了有价值的工具。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the aging process of the global population, the problem of death of the elderly has been paid more and more attention. The majority of the elderly face death with an attitude of avoidance or denial, feeling anxious. Death anxiety is an important indicator of the mental health of the elderly, which has an important impact on the quality of life of the elderly, but it has long been influenced by the traditional Chinese ideology and culture. Death anxiety of the elderly, especially in rural areas, has been lack of scientific and standardized measurement tools. This paper introduces the death anxiety scale (DAQ(Death Anxiety questionnaire naive), which is commonly used in foreign countries, and uses the data of the sixth issue of Anhui Rural elderly Welfare Survey in 2015 to verify its applicability in measuring the death anxiety of the rural elderly in China. To analyze the level and structure of death anxiety of the elderly in rural China. The results show that the DAQ scale can be used to measure the death anxiety of the elderly in rural China. The death anxiety of the rural elderly has its special structural characteristics, including the fear of suffering. Fear of loss of character and fear of loneliness are three important aspects. The death anxiety of the rural elderly is on the low side, and the fear of suffering is the main source of the death anxiety. Further studies also show that there are some differences in death anxiety levels among the rural elderly with different socio-demographic characteristics. This paper also discusses and analyzes the economic, social and cultural factors that affect the death anxiety of the elderly in rural China. This study provides a valuable tool for the scientific evaluation of the death anxiety of the elderly in rural China and the development of appropriate social policies and social services.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院;
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