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发布时间:2018-04-29 04:33

  本文选题:绵竹青红社工服务中心 + 发展历程 ; 参考:《中国青年政治学院》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:“5.12”汶川大地震发生后,社会各界纷纷投入抗震救灾的巨大洪流,社会工作界也做出了积极回应。其中以高校社工专业师生为主体的灾后社工服务组织也开始崭露头角。在灾后重建的漫长过程中,有些已陆续撤离灾区,有些中途夭折,而有些却成功地扎根并呈现出蓬勃发展之势。绵竹青红社工服务中心作为绵竹地区第一家正式注册的民办非企业单位,在当地有着一定的代表性。笔者认为对其发展历程的研究有其特定意义。 本研究以青红社工服务中心为个案研究对象,详细描述该中心发展历程,深度揭示其历程中的特点,并发掘出相关的理论观点,以此关涉更广范围的理论和实践取向。经过长达两年的参与式观察,并结合相关实物资料以及访谈资料,笔者对该机构的发展历程做出全面、清晰的呈现。在此历程中,笔者发现其体现出明显的几个特点:第一,莫名而深邃的情节和偶然的相遇:个人情愫与熟人关系的结合;第二,“守门人”牵线搭桥;第三,圈内人士的深切关照,保驾护航;第四,有条件合作关系的建构;第五,“生命影响生命”的完美写照;等等。 在此基础上,笔者将该机构的发展历程描述为是一个选择性亲和下的渐进式嵌入过程,即青红社工作为一个主体,充分发挥其主体能动性,在灾后特定情势下权宜性、选择性地与相关各方建构亲和关系,这种关系既是行动状态也是结果状态,具体体现为一种渐进式嵌入的行动过程及结果。这种嵌入包含嵌入当地特定情境、各种社会支持网络、当地特定社会结构以及当地社会文化等不同层面和角度,且嵌入的速度和程度是循序渐进、逐步推开的。最后,笔者将本研究之结果与相关理论与实践进行对照,丰富和发展有关认识,并对本研究可能的局限与研究空间进行初步讨论,以发现本研究所具有的内在潜力。
[Abstract]:After the " 5.12 " Wenchuan earthquake , all circles of society have invested in the huge flood of earthquake relief , and the social work community has responded positively . In the long process of reconstruction after the disaster , some of them have taken root out of the disaster area , some have died in the middle of the disaster , some have succeeded in taking root and showing the vigorous development trend .

This research focuses on the development course of the institution , reveals the characteristics of the center , and develops the relevant theoretical viewpoint , so as to make a comprehensive and clear presentation of the development course of the institution .

On the basis of this , the author describes the development course of the institution as a progressive embedding process of selective affinity , that is , the work of Green Hongsa is a main body , which can give full play to the initiative of its main body , and to construct affinity relation with the concerned parties . This kind of relationship is not only the action state but also the result . The embedded speed and degree are gradually pushed out . At last , the author compares the results of this study with the relevant theories and practices , enriches and develops the relevant knowledge , and makes a preliminary discussion on the possible limitations and research space of this study to find the inherent potential of this study .



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