本文选题:幸福 + 社会幸福 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:人的一切活动都有目的,但在各种各样目的背后的终极目的是幸福,幸福是人生追求的终极目的,从社会发展的角度来看,人们组成社会的目的,也是为了使自己生活得更幸福,所以,社会成员的普遍幸福是社会发展的终极目的。在中国进行现代化建设的进程中,当前树立科学发展观就是为了中国社会的进一步发展,“以人为本”是科学发展观的核心,实现人的幸福、人的自由全面发展是当代中国发展的必然要求和发展目标。人类历史的发展过程是人的实践能力不断展现的过程,也是在实践活动中创造和确证自身幸福的过程,现代社会创造的物质生活条件、精神生活条件、制度条件为社会普遍幸福的实现创造了可能。社会主义社会的建立为社会幸福的实现创造了现实条件,在马克思主义理论的指引下,在中国建设现代化的背景下,探讨幸福的人性基础、实践生成、影响因素、制度保障等问题,能为中国社会幸福的建设提供借鉴意义和可能路径。 西方文化背景中的幸福思想以及中国传统文化背景中的幸福思想是本论文丰富的思想资源,马克思的幸福思想则为社会幸福论提供思想基础。对人性的理解是理解幸福的理论出发点,马克思的人性论做为科学的人性论,以此出发可正确解读幸福的内涵、实现的手段和条件、确立社会幸福的地位。实践作为人的本质力量的展现方式,是创造幸福的手段,在实践中成就幸福的主体、创造幸福的客体,扬弃异化劳动,提升主体能力,获得全面发展,人逐渐以一种全面的方式全面地占有自己的本质,通过实践合理解决人与自身、人与人、人与社会、人与自然之间的矛盾,社会幸福的实现过程就是人在实践中不断创造的过程。社会的物质生活条件、精神文化条件、社会生活环境影响社会幸福的具体维度,而人的素质则影响着人们对这些维度的评价和感知,这些相关的维度影响着社会幸福的实现程度。由制度来保障幸福是由人的本质和制度的本质决定的,社会幸福是制度选择的目的,人们制定或选择各种制度也是为了给幸福生活创造条件和提供保障,制度公正能有力地保障社会幸福,制度公正和社会幸福在实践中互相推进。 当代中国正处于由传统社会向现代社会的转型之中,既要看到现代化进程给社会幸福带来的积极影响,也要看到它给社会幸福的负面影响,当今中国既面临社会转型,也面临幸福转型,提升居民消费水平是推动我国当前经济发展的需要,也是提高社会幸福水平的需要,但对消费主义却给人的幸福带来全面不利的影响。面对新世纪的新情况,我国应将提升社会幸福水平作为制定社会政策的目标,在推进现代化的进程中坚持科学发展观,进行以改善民生为重点的社会建设,能有力地提升社会幸福水平,面对当前中国居民消费不足与消费不当并存的状况,既应扩大消费,又要批判消费主义,如何在二者之间保持合理的张力、进行合理消费是当前中国建设幸福社会的关键,倡导和谐消费文化观有利于解决这一难题。
[Abstract]:All the activities of human beings have the purpose, but the ultimate purpose behind all kinds of purposes is happiness. Happiness is the ultimate goal of the pursuit of life. From the angle of social development, people make up the purpose of society and also to make themselves happier. Therefore, the universal happiness of the members of the society is the ultimate goal of social development. In the process of modernization, the establishment of Scientific Outlook on Development is for the further development of Chinese society. The "people-oriented" is the core of Scientific Outlook on Development, the realization of human happiness, the free and comprehensive development of human beings is the inevitable requirement and development goal of the development of contemporary China. The development process of human history is the continuous development of human practice. The present process is also the process of creating and confirming its own happiness in practical activities. The material living conditions, spiritual living conditions and institutional conditions created by modern society create the possibility for the realization of the universal happiness of society. The establishment of socialist society creates realistic conditions for the realization of social happiness and the guidance of the Marx doctrine theory. Under the background of China's construction of modernization, it is possible to provide reference and possible path for the construction of Chinese social happiness by discussing the basis of human nature of happiness, practical generation, influencing factors and institutional guarantee.
The happiness thought in the Western cultural background and the happy thought in the Chinese traditional culture background are the rich ideological resources of this thesis. Marx's happy thought provides the ideological basis for the theory of social happiness. The understanding of human nature is the theoretical starting point of understanding happiness, and Marx's theory of human nature is the scientific human nature theory. Unscramble the connotation of happiness, the means and conditions to realize and establish the status of social happiness. Practice is the way to display the essential strength of the human being. It is the means to create happiness, to create the subject of happiness in practice, to create the object of happiness, to discard the alienated labor, to improve the power of the subject, to achieve a comprehensive development, and gradually to complete a comprehensive way. Face the nature of their own, through practice to solve the contradictions between man and oneself, man and man, man and society, and between man and nature. The process of realizing social happiness is the process that people constantly create in practice. The material living conditions of the society, the cultural conditions of the society, the social life environment affecting the social happiness, and the human element. Quality affects people's evaluation and perception of these dimensions. These dimensions affect the realization of social happiness. It is determined by the essence of human nature and the essence of the system by the system. Social happiness is the purpose of the system selection, and people make or choose various systems to create conditions for happy life. For security, institutional justice can effectively guarantee social happiness, institutional justice and social happiness promote each other in practice.
The contemporary China is in the transformation from the traditional society to the modern society, not only to see the positive influence of the modernization process to the social happiness, but also to see the negative influence of it to the social happiness. Today, China is confronted with the social transformation and the transition of happiness. The promotion of the consumption level of the residents is the need to promote the current economic development of our country. It is also the need to improve the level of social happiness, but it has an overall negative impact on the happiness of the people. Facing the new situation in the new century, our country should promote the level of social happiness as the goal of making social policy. In the process of promoting the modernization, we should adhere to the Scientific Outlook on Development and carry out the social construction in order to improve the livelihood of the people. The key to building a happy society in China is to expand the consumption and criticize the consumerism in the face of the current situation of the shortage of consumption and the improper consumption of consumption in China. The key to the construction of the happy society in China is to maintain reasonable tension between the two and to promote a harmonious consumption culture. This is a difficult problem.
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