本文选题:工作-家庭界面 + 工作-家庭冲突 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2015年博士论文
[Abstract]:Work and family are the two main areas of life of modern people. The relationship between the two fields is not completely independent, but there is a mutual overlap and interaction. The form of work family interaction includes negative intrusion and positive promotion, including the impact of work on the family and the influence of family on work. The interface includes the characteristics of these 4 dimensions, which form different patterns of work family interface based on the individual perception of 4 dimensions. Different modes of action have different effects on individual job satisfaction and family satisfaction. This effect is not only displayed on the individual level, but also through and in the two fields. The interaction of important others has a cross effect. The theory of resource preservation, the spillover cross model and the interaction between work and family and the mechanism of action are discussed and explained accordingly. The theory of resource preservation puts forward the work family interface to the individual in two fields from the perspective of pressure and response and the dynamic change of resources as the core. The influence of internal psychology and behavior derives from the change of the gain and loss of resources. The spillover cross model puts forward the impact model of the work family interface from the perspective of interpersonal interaction. In recent years, researchers have paid more and more attention to the influence and mechanism of the family system in the work family interface research. The influence of Confucian culture and familism makes the family play an important role in the work family relationship. Therefore, it is important to explore the role mechanism of the family system in the work family interface to understand the employees' work family relationship and the results it brings, and to establish an effective ditch for the organization and the family. This study combines the theoretical perspectives of these existing work family interface studies to explore the pattern features of the employee work family interface and explore the impact of different work family interface patterns on individual work and family satisfaction and the quality of family life. In order to answer and explain the work and family problems facing L in the current society with the existing theory, the study includes 1 pre research and 4 formal studies, including two sub studies in the third study. The central research perspective combined with the method of potential profile analysis to analyze the 4 dimensions of the working family interface of 1486 employees. The study found that the working family interface of the employees can be divided into two potential categories. Further, the single factor repeated measurement analysis of variance analysis of the two categories showed that high work - Family two-way gain and low work - family two-way conflict and high working family conflict low work on family promotion and high families to job promotion and low family conflict. Combined with previous studies, these two categories belong to active and contradictory types of work family classes. The Department is a common negative work family interface expression in the collectivist cultural society. The study also finds that women occupy the majority of the positive types of people and report more parental support, while the majority of the conflicting categories are male and report less parental support. The important role of the yuan in the work family interface relationship, both positive and contradictory, shows a high family work gain and the contradictory employees show a high work family conflict. Research two further explores the work full of the work family interface dimension experience of contradictory employees. The study used two data points in the longitudinal tracking design to collect two data from 150 employees with higher conflict experience, with a interval of 4 months. The results showed that the impact of work family interface on employee job satisfaction and family satisfaction showed cross domain cross effects and complex effects. There were two models. The individual time 1 work family conflict and family work gain had negative and positive impact on the family satisfaction and job satisfaction of time 2, while the work family gain and family work conflict of time 1 had positive and negative effects on the job satisfaction and family satisfaction of time 2. Sound. In dynamic analysis of the features of the work family interface, it is found that 1 of individual time families - work conflicts can predict 2 of their time work - the rise of family conflict, the work of 1 of individual time - the family gain can predict the 2 of the family - work gain. And family support in work family conflict, family - work Conflict and work family gain have significant mediating role in the impact of family satisfaction. Study three, four on the basis of study one and two, focus on the interpersonal influence and mechanism of the work family interface in the family unit of the contradictory employees. Study three the thinking of the pair design and the study of the work family community of the two workers and couples at the same time. Facing the impact mechanism of marital satisfaction and the protective factors. Sub study 1 uses the spillover cross model to study the impact of work family conflict and gain on marital satisfaction in 292 pairs of double workers and couples. The study finds that the work family conflict between husband and wife has a negative impact on marital satisfaction, and the work family gain will make a marriage to the marriage. The marital satisfaction of the husband and the wife has a cross effect, and the wife's influence on the husband is greater than the husband's influence on the wife. The family support felt by the husband and wife plays a mediating role in the impact of work family conflict and gain on the marriage degree. Study on the protective factors of the wife's work family interface characteristics. A pair of couples of 292 pairs of workers and spouses were analyzed in pairs. The APIM model was used to examine the actor and object effect of the ability of the couple's choice of views. The result of the path analysis showed that the ability of the choice between the husband and the wife was highly interdependent and suitable for the score. Analysis ability of the husband and wife has a significant negative correlation to both work and family conflict, and has a significant positive predictive effect on both work and family gain. In the study of the effect of the object, the ability of the husband's opinion selection has a predictive effect on the wife's work and family conflict. The wife's opinion selection ability only has a predictive effect on the husband's work family conflict, but does not have a significant predictive effect on the husband's family work conflict. Finally, in the sex difference analysis of the effect of the object, it can be concluded that the influence of the husband's opinion selection on the wife's work family interface characteristics is significantly higher than that of the wife's husband's working family interface. Study four studies the family intimacy and Internet Addiction of the parents' work family conflict (gain) to the young children. The study investigated 292 pairs of adolescents and their parents. The results of path analysis found that there was a significant negative correlation between father's work - family conflict and adolescent family intimacy; father's work - family gain had a significant positive correlation with adolescent family intimacy. Family intimacy has no significant predictive effect. Family intimacy in adolescents has a significant negative correlation with its Internet addiction, and it mediates the impact of father's work - family conflict (gain) on adolescent Internet addiction. Sound its work - the important role of the family balance process.
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