本文选题:十八世纪 + 艾尔曼 ; 参考:《读书》2013年03期
[Abstract]:"from Neo-Confucianism to Park" is a famous work of American scholar Ehrman studying the Chinese academic history and the history of social thought. Different from the study of the history of thought in the traditional works, Elman paid more attention to the framework of philosophy, based on the research results of Chinese and Japanese scholars, and promoted 17 of them. The history of the prosperity of the Jiangnan academic community in the 18 th century combined with the external social and political mechanism. By analyzing a large number of Chinese and foreign research materials, Elman narrates the academic history of China around the 18 th century. At the same time, in the analysis of the formation of textual research, the use of letters, notes and other less used materials, attracted the attention of later scholars. But there are some things to discuss when Elman analyzes and applies historical data. Based on the Chinese translation of the 1985 Jiangsu people's Publishing House, I hereby state the following:
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