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发布时间:2018-06-07 05:54

  本文选题:现状 + 当前问题 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of society and economy, due to the difference of natural environment, transportation and geographical location in the central and western regions, the economic and social development in the western part of China is still lagging behind that of the central and western regions. The western region has been mainly supported by the administrative means of the government, and then in the face of various social problems, this method can no longer meet the needs of the development of the people and the community. To promote the harmony of the western region has become an important part of the social harmony in China. Therefore, we must make great efforts to build the western society, strengthen the management of the western region, and maintain the social order. The cultural and economic development of Karamay is representative in the western region. To some extent, the level of social work construction in Karamay reflects the direction of social work construction in western cities. Therefore, the author regards Karamay as the object city of this paper. Social work is one of the methods to solve such problems. Social work, as a part of civil affairs, will directly affect the stability and development of society at the level of development scale and professionalism. And the existing social work institutions, internship for three months, and carried out research work. During the period of practice and research, it is deeply recognized that social workers play an important role in solving the problems of the people in the community. Even in the later community development and construction, the social work will become more and more important in the community. In the investigation of the policies of the Civil Affairs Bureau and the social work organizations, we found that some of the current policies could not effectively help the development of social work in Karamay, but on the contrary would create resistance to the development of social work. The local social work agencies are unable to fully "play their part." At present, although the construction of professional social work in Karamay has been further developed, there are still some problems that can not be ignored. If the government's unilateral leading force is too strong, the activity fund is insufficient or the fault exists, the social cognition degree is low, the social worker specialization level is not high, the post setting is not standard and so on. The existence of these problems has been affecting and restricting the construction and development of social work in Karamay. In this study, the author combined the data analysis and questionnaire survey, combined with the current situation of the development of social work in Karamay, to the problems existing in the construction of social work in Karamay. In order to provide a feasible reference for the construction of professional social work in Karamay, the suggestions on factors influencing the development of social work in Karamay are discussed and studied in depth.


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