发布时间:2018-06-09 14:30
本文选题:社会管理 + 社会管理体制 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:新中国成立后,我国确立了高度集权的计划体制,通过计划手段实现对社会生活的管理。改革开放以来,尤其是上世纪90年代以来,我国社会进入了快速的转型期,经济体制改革促成了一个具有相对自主性社会的形成,社会结构产生了激烈、深刻、持续的分化,社会利益主体和利益需求多元化,社会异质性和不平等程度增强,社会矛盾与社会冲突增多。然而,我国现行的社会管理体制是建立在传统行政一元化基础之上,对传统社会管理体制存在很强的路径依赖,缺乏足够的弹性应付复杂多变的社会环境。因此,如何通过社会管理体制创新和政府职能改革,对社会进行有效的管理,调节纷繁复杂的社会生活,保持良好的社会秩序和生机勃勃的社会力量之间的动态平衡,成为新时期我国面临的一个战略性课题。学术界对我国的社会管理体制缺乏系统而深入的反思和研究,有鉴于此,本文以我国城市社会管理体制为研究对象,以“国家-社会”关系为分析视角,通过对我国城市社会管理体制演变历程的回顾与反思,深刻剖析我国城市社会管理体制演变的动力机制、发展趋势,在此基础上分析我国社会管理体制改革和创新的现实障碍以及可行路径。 本文研究的问题是城市社会管理体制的演变,但在历史的梳理之上,笔者更为关注这一演变背后的规律性和制约因素,并期望能给予理论上的说明,为新时期社会管理体制的改革和创新提供可行性路径。钱穆认为:“研究制度,不该从制度本身来看,而该会通着与此制度相关之一切史实来研究。”我国城市社会管理体制,虽然只是社会体制中的一种形式,但是它的演变与发展是政治、经济、社会发展的反映。不同的政治、经济、社会形势,对社会管理体制产生很大的影响。我国的社会管理体制,是在社会转型这一宏观背景下不断地演进和发展。改革开放前,我国行政一元化的社会管理体制是建立在国家一元化社会结构基础之上的。改革开放后,随着经济社会的发展,我国社会结构逐步分化,但是分化并不等于对立。相反,“国家-社会”之间的交往与合作日益频繁、密切,这深刻影响我国社会管理体制的演变和发展。因此,以“国家-社会”关系变迁为分析视角,为分析我国建国以来城市社会管理体制演变提供的基本分析路线,也为我国城市社会管理体制改革和创新提供了基本的路径。 我们必须对社会管理体制进行深层次的反思,才能看清社会管理体制的发展趋势,才能分辨出在我国现行的社会管理体制中蕴藏着多少动能和携带着哪些阻力,才能为社会管理体制的改革和创新提供可行的发展路径。因此,对我国城市社会管理体制演变历程的回顾是正确认识这些问题的关键。建国后,我国的社会管理体制经历了行政一元化社会管理体制、行政一元化社会管理体制的松动和日渐式微、治理多元化社会管理体制三个不同的发展阶段,每个发展阶段,我国社会管理体制体现不同的特征。其中,行政一元化社会管理体制是改革前我国社会管理体制的主要形态,这种管理体制以中央高度集权为前提、政府全能为主要特征,通过科层化的组织体系、自上而下的运行机制以及全能的社会管理功能实现整个社会全方位的管理和控制。这种管理体制带有浓厚的计划色彩和价值取向,使之后的社会管理体制对之产生极大的路径依赖。改革开放后,随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入和社会的发展,社会利益主体的多元化以及各种社会问题的出现,国家全能的形象不断受到质疑,国家也不断分权、放权,以适应日益复杂的社会形势。我国社会结构也逐步由国家一元化向“国家、市场、社会”三元过渡,传统行政一元化的社会管理体制逐步失去存在的土壤,而不断松动。因此,这一时期我国社会管理体制处于转轨期,新旧体制碰撞、冲突、融合。在这一过程中,旧的体制逐步消退,新的体制逐步发挥作用,这也为现阶段我国治理多元化的社会管理体制的制度化构建和实践创新提供了基础。总之,这一时期我国传统社会管理体制的松动以政府分权放权为前提、以放松管制为主要特征,通过社会管理组织体系和运行机制的适应性调整,实现国家对社会的管理与服务以及社会的自我管理与服务。新时期,我国社会管理体制逐步向治理多元化的方向发展,这种管理体制以社会主体的地位凸显为前提、以“国家、市场、社会”的多元互动为特征,通过网络化的组织体系,综合运用行政机制、市场机制以及社会自治机制等手段,实现社会的管理和服务。我国现阶段倡导的“党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与”的社会管理格局为这一时期我国社会管理体制改革和创新提供了方向指导。 不同时期之所以出现不同的社会管理体制模式,与推动社会管理体制变迁的各种动力因素以及他们之间的相互关系密切相关,这就是社会管理体制演变的动力机制,对社会管理体制演变动力机制的分析是我们深刻把握社会管理体制演变规律,促进社会管理体制改革和创新的重要前提。社会管理体制演变动力机制,是一项复杂系统的动态运行体系,主要包括社会管理体制演变动力机制的结构要素、社会管理体制演变动力机制变迁的历史进程以及社会管理体制演变动力机制变迁的客观规律。社会管理体制演变动力机制的结构要素主要包括:社会管理体制演变动力机制的价值形态构成要素、理论形态构成要素、实践形态构成要素以及主体形态构成要素。价值形态作为导向性因素、理论形态作为指导性因素、实践形态作为诉求性因素、主体形态作为推动性因素,在社会管理体制演变的历程中发挥着重要的作用。其中,价值形态构成要素主要包括体现人类社会治理发展的三种形态即:以“秩序稳定”的核心的价值导向、以“公平效率”为核心的价值导向以及以“公平正义”为核心的价值导向;社会管理体制演变动力机制的理论形态构成要素主要包括对我国社会管理体制演变去重要推动作用的“集权与分权”理论以及“多中心治理”理论;社会管理体制演变机制的实践形态构成要素受制于我国现代化进程中利益主体和利益需求多元化的实践诉求,以及我国现代化进程中社会稳定与社会和谐的现实诉求;社会管理体制演变机制中主体形态构成要素主要包括国家(政府组织)、市场(市场组织)和社会(社会组织和公民个人)。建国以来我国社会管理体制演变动力机制的演进阶段主要分为三个阶段即以秩序稳定为导向的国家一元化推进阶段、以效率公平为导向的国家-市场合力推动阶段和以公平正义为导向的国家-市场-社会多元推动阶段。每种动力因素在社会管理体制发展的不同的阶段作用的力度和发挥的作用不同,社会管理体制之所以在不同的阶段呈现不同的特征是各种因素综合作用的结果,在社会管理体制模式转换的关键时刻常常会因为某一力量的发育不足而出现模式转换困境。在我国,社会力量发育不足,要构建治理多元化的体制,就要大力发育社会力量和社会组织,推动社会管理体制的创新和发展。 纵观我国社会管理体制60多年的演变历程,我国社会管理体制演变有其独特的发展历程并呈现典型的规律性特征。总的来说,我国社会管理体制的演变遵循了从统治到治理、从集权到分权、从管理到服务的演变路线。而从人类历史发展社会形态来看,人类社会经历了农业社会、工业社会和后工业社会,与此相对应的是统治型社会治理模式、管理型社会治理模式和服务型社会治理模式,而不同社会治理模式之间的差异背后体现了国家-社会关系的变化。从国家与社会关系分析,社会管理可以分为:无主地社会管理模式、国家控制社会模式、社会参与国家模式、国家社会合作模式、国家社会共生模式以及社会自治模式。我国现所现阶段构建的“党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与”的社会管理模式属于社会参与国家模式,这种模式具有明显的不足,但是我国社会管理体制的发展是要在这种模式的发展进步中,实现国家-市场-社会的合作共生,实现强国家和强社会。我国现行的社会管理体制改革,是在强国家-弱社会的情况下进行的,因此要实现国家-社会的合作共治需要一定的条件,要不断转变政府职能、构建国家、市场、社会之间的沟通机制、构建合作互动网络等,在市场互动中实现国家与社会的有机结合以及多元合作伙伴关系的生成。 深刻认识我国社会管理体制动力机制和发展趋势,有助于新时期我国社会管理体制改革理论和实践的深入,但是,影响我国社会管理体制创新的因素很多,如传统的社会管理思想和观念的影响、传统社会管理体制的惯性依赖、我国当前社会管理体制机制不完善、社会管理中社会力量实质性参与不足等等,这些既是我国社会管理体制演进的体制性障碍,也是我国社会管理体制创新的思想观念的阻力。基于对建国以来我国社会管理体制的剖析,文章认为,现阶段要推进我国社会管理向现代治理多元化的制度性构建,必须在正确认识“国家、社会”关系的基础上转变政府职能、深化管理体制改革,培育社会力量、增强社会自治能力,构建多元合作治理网络。
[Abstract]:Since the founding of new China, China has established a highly centralized system of planning and the management of social life through planned means. Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 90s of the last century, our society has entered a rapid transition period. The reform of the economic system has contributed to the formation of a society with a phase to autonomy and a social structure. Strong, profound and continuous differentiation, the diversity of social interests and interests, the enhancement of social heterogeneity and inequality, and the increase of social conflicts and social conflicts. However, the current social management system in China is based on the traditional administrative monism, and has a strong path dependence on the traditional social management system and lacks enough. Therefore, how to manage the society effectively, regulate the complex social life, maintain a good social order and the dynamic balance of social strength through the innovation of social management system and the reform of government functions, and become a strategy facing China in the new period. The academic circles lack systematic and in-depth reflection and Research on the social management system of our country. In view of this, this article takes the urban social management system of our country as the research object, and takes the "state society" relationship as the analysis angle of view, and deeply analyzes the urban society of our country through the retrospect and Reflection on the evolution history of the urban social management system in our country. Based on the analysis of the dynamic mechanism and development trend of the management system evolution, the realistic obstacles and feasible paths of China's social management system reform and innovation are analyzed.
The problem of this paper is the evolution of the urban social management system, but on the basis of history, the author pays more attention to the regularity and constraints behind this evolution, and expects to give a theoretical explanation to provide a feasible path for the reform and innovation of the social management system in the new period. "The research system should not be derived from the research system," Qian Muwei said. According to the system itself, it will study all the historical facts related to the system. "Although the social management system in China is only a form of the social system, its evolution and development are the reflection of the political, economic and social development. Different political, economic and social situations have a great influence on the social management system." The social management system of our country is constantly evolving and developing under the macro background of social transformation. Before the reform and opening up, our country's administrative unified social management system is based on the national unified social structure. After the reform and opening up, with the development of the economy and society, the social structure of our country has gradually divided, but the differentiation is not good. On the contrary, the exchanges and cooperation between state and society are increasingly frequent and close, which profoundly affects the evolution and development of the social management system in China. Therefore, the basic analytical line for the analysis of the evolution of the urban social management system since the founding of China has been analyzed with the change of "state society" relationship as an analytical perspective, and it is also the city of our country. Urban social management system reform and innovation provides a basic path.
We must make a deep reflection on the social management system in order to see the development trend of the social management system, and to distinguish how many kinetic energy and resistance are contained in the current social management system in our country, so as to provide a feasible development path for the reform and innovation of the social management system. The review of the evolution process of the social management system is the key to the correct understanding of these problems. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, the social management system of our country experienced the administrative system of the unified social management, the loosening and declining of the administrative system of social management, the three different stages of development, and each stage of development. The social management system of the country embodies different characteristics. Among them, the administrative monies of social management system is the main form of our social management system before the reform. This management system is based on the high centralization of the central authority, the main feature of the government, the organizational system of bureaucracy, the top-down operation mechanism and the omnipotent social management. The function realizes the overall management and control of the whole society. This management system has a strong plan color and value orientation, which makes the post social management system have a great path dependence. After the reform and opening up, with the continuous deepening of the reform of the economic system and the development of the society, the diversity of the social interests and various kinds of subjects. The appearance of social problems, the image of the national omnipotence constantly questioned, the state is also constantly decentralization and decentralization, in order to adapt to the increasingly complex social situation. China's social structure also gradually from the state to the "state, market, society" three yuan transition, the traditional administrative unified social management system gradually lost the existence of the soil, and constantly loose. Therefore, in this period, the social management system in China is in the transition period, the new and old systems collide, conflict and merge. In this process, the old system gradually subsided and the new system played a role gradually. This also provided the basis for the institutionalized construction and practice innovation of our country's diversified social management system at the present stage. In a word, this period is the basis. The loosening of the traditional social management system in our country is based on the government decentralization and decentralization, taking the deregulation as the main feature and adjusting the social management and service as well as the self management and service of the society through the adjustment of the social management organization system and the operational mechanism. The new time period, the social management system of our country gradually diversities to the governance. In the direction of the development, this management system takes the status of the social subject as the precondition, and is characterized by the multi interaction of "state, market and society". Through the network organization system, the management and service of the society are realized by means of the administrative mechanism, the market mechanism and the social self-government mechanism. The social management pattern of guidance, government responsibility, social coordination and public participation provides guidance for the reform and innovation of China's social management system in this period.
The different social management system patterns in different periods are closely related to the various dynamic factors that promote the change of social management system and their relations. This is the dynamic mechanism of the evolution of the social management system. The analysis of the dynamic mechanism of the evolution of the social management system is that we have a deep grasp of the social management system. The evolution of the social management system is an important prerequisite for the reform and innovation of the social management system. The dynamic mechanism of the evolution of the social management system is a dynamic system of the complex system. It mainly includes the structural elements of the dynamic mechanism of the evolution of the social management system, the historical process of the evolution of the power system of the social management system and the evolution of the social management system. The objective law of the dynamic mechanism changes. The structural elements of the dynamic mechanism of the evolution of the social management system mainly include: the elements of the value form, the elements of the theoretical form, the elements of the form of practice and the elements of the form of the subject, the form of value as the guiding factor, the form of theory as the point of reference. In the course of the evolution of the social management system, the leading factor and the practice form as the appealing factor and the subject form play an important role in the evolution of the social management system. Among them, the elements of the form of value form mainly include the three forms that reflect the development of human social governance, namely, the value orientation of the core of "order stability", and "fair" The value orientation of efficiency as the core and the value orientation at the core of "fairness and justice"; the elements of the theoretical form of the dynamic mechanism of the evolution of the social management system mainly include the theory of "centralization and decentralization" and the theory of "multi center governance", which are important to the evolution of the social management system of our country, and the theory of "multi center governance"; The elements of the practical form of the system of evolution are subject to the practical demands of the diversification of interests and interests in the process of China's modernization, as well as the realistic demands of social stability and social harmony in the process of China's modernization; the main elements of the main body form in the evolution mechanism of the social management system include the state (government organization) and the market. Market organization) and Society (social organization and individual). The evolution stage of our country's social management system has been divided into three stages since the founding of the people's Republic of China. The dynamics and functions of each dynamic factor in the different stages of the development of social management system are different. The different characteristics of the social management system in different stages are the result of the comprehensive effect of various factors, and the key moment in the transformation of the social management system pattern is often caused by the social management system. In our country, in order to build a diversified system, we should vigorously develop social forces and social organizations, and promote the innovation and development of the social management system in China.
Looking at the evolution of China's social management system for more than 60 years, the evolution of our social management system has its own unique development course and presents typical regular characteristics. In general, the evolution of our social management system follows the evolution from rule to governance, from centralization to decentralization, from management to service, and from the human history development society. According to the form, the human society has experienced the agricultural society, the industrial society and the post industrial society, which corresponds to the governing model of social governance, the management mode of social governance and the service type social governance model, while the differences between the different social governance patterns reflect the change of state social relations. Analysis, social management can be divided into: non principal social management mode, state controlled social model, social participation state model, national social cooperation model, national social symbiosis model and social autonomy model. The social management model of "Party leadership, government responsibility, social coordination and public participation" is the present stage of China's construction. This model has obvious deficiencies in the social participation in the state model, but the development of our social management system is to realize the cooperation and symbiosis of the state market society and the strong state and the strong society in the development and progress of this model. The current reform of our social management system is carried out under the circumstances of strong state and weak society. Therefore, it is necessary to realize the cooperation and co governance of the state and society. It is necessary to change the functions of the government, construct the communication mechanism between the state, the market and the society, construct the cooperative interaction network, and realize the organic combination of the state and the society in the market interaction and the formation of the multiple cooperative partnership.
A profound understanding of the dynamic mechanism and development trend of China's social management system will contribute to the deepening of the theory and practice of the reform of our social management system in the new period. However, there are many factors affecting the innovation of our social management system, such as the influence of traditional social management ideas and ideas, the inertia of the traditional social management system, and the current China. The institutional mechanism of the social management is not perfect, the social forces in the social management are insufficient to participate in the substantive participation and so on. These are both institutional obstacles to the evolution of our social management system and the resistance to the ideas of the innovation of the social management system in our country. Based on the analysis of the social management system in China since the founding of the people's Republic, the article holds that the present stage should be promoted. It is necessary to transform government functions on the basis of correctly understanding the relationship between "state and society", deepen the reform of management system, cultivate social power, strengthen the ability of social autonomy and build a multi cooperative governance network.
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