本文选题:线上线下 + 社会共识 ; 参考:《情报杂志》2017年03期
[Abstract]:[Objective / meaning] with the deepening of the socialization of the media environment, people express their opinions on social things with the dual identity of netizens and real social people, making the public opinion system have the network structure under the line and contains various forms of social interaction. The multi-layer structure and diversified interaction have increased the inaccuracy of public opinion. Qualitatively, it may not only promote the emergence of social consensus, but also cause social disagreement. In what case, the emergence of social consensus and the emergence of opinion splitting is an important research topic. [method / process] has been mostly considered from the single angle of the online or offline network, and failed to reflect the level and interaction of the network. From the perspective of multi-layer network, this paper takes the online online interactive network as the basic structure, combines the consensus theory, the conflict theory and the social judgment theory, extracts the interaction rules between two layers of network interaction mechanism and the social individual, establishes the social consensus emergence model and its algorithm, and verifies the model and the model using the computational experiment method. [results / Conclusion] experiments show that the interaction between online and offline can significantly affect the evolution of public opinion. The emergence of social consensus or opinion differentiation in the process of public opinion evolution depends mainly on whether the online opinions and opinions under the line are consistent, and whether the exchange process of the two single layer networks under line online is symmetrical. The structure of two single layer networks on line and offline has some influence on the emergence of social consensus, but the initial opinion distribution has limited influence on the emergence of social consensus.
【作者单位】: 浙江理工大学管理科学与工程系;
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