本文选题:已婚男女 + 爱情嫉妒 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:本研究对已婚男女爱情嫉妒的特点、婚姻质量的状况进行调查,并探讨爱情嫉妒与婚姻质量的关系,以期为爱情、婚姻心理咨询和治疗提供实证依据。 本研究选取江西、湖南、四川、贵州等地的已婚男女作为被试,采用爱情嫉妒反应量表、嫉妒行为反应量表、中国人婚姻质量问卷进行测量。本研究共发放问卷660份,有效问卷511份,其中男性229人,女性282人。 研究结果表明:1.爱情嫉妒情景量表检出存在爱情嫉妒的被试的比率是82.8%,爱情嫉妒自我感受量表检出存在爱情嫉妒的被试的比率是39.5%。嫉妒行为反应量表的四个维度中消极理智行为的总均分最高。2.爱情嫉妒情景量表得分和爱情嫉妒自我感受量表得分在性别上差异不显著;嫉妒行为反应量表中只有逃避行为维度得分在性别上差异显著,女性得分高于男性。爱情嫉妒情景量农得分在城乡、是否独生上差异显著,在有无子女上养异不显著;爱情嫉妒自我感受量表得分在城乡、是否独生、有无子女等上差异不显著。嫉妒行为反应量表中只有报复行为、积极理智行为两个维度的得分在城乡上存在极显著的差异,在是否独生和有无子女上差异不显著。3.66.33%的被试对婚姻的满意度处于中等水平,3.33%的被试对婚姻极满意,1.57%的被试对婚姻极不满意。婚姻质量总分在性别、足否独生、有无子女、婚姻状况差异不显著,在城乡上存在显著的差异,城市已婚者的得分高于农村已婚者。4.高低婚姻质量组间已婚男女的爱情嫉妒存在极显著差异。5.爱情嫉妒情景量农得分与婚姻质量总分呈显著的正相关,爱情嫉妒情景量表得分与业余活动、亲友关系外的其他维度得分呈显著正相关;爱情嫉妒自我感受量表得分与婚姻质量总分和各维度得分都呈显著的负相关;嫉妒行为量表得分及报复行为和逃避行为维度的得分与婚姻质量总分及各维度得分呈显著的负相关,嫉妒行为量表的消极理智行为维度得分与婚姻质量总分及各维度得分呈显著的正相关。6.爱情嫉妒可以解释婚姻质量变异的30%。 本研究的主要研究结论足:我国已婚男女普遍存在不同程度的爱情嫉妒。大多数人对婚姻的满意度处于中等水平。爱情嫉妒对婚姻质量有一定的影响。
[Abstract]:This study investigates the characteristics of love jealousy and marital quality of married men and women, and probes into the relationship between love envy and marriage quality, in order to provide empirical evidence for love, marriage psychological counseling and treatment. In this study, married men and women in Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces were selected as subjects. Love jealousy response scale, jealousy behavior response scale and Chinese marital quality questionnaire were used. There were 660 questionnaires and 511 valid questionnaires, including 229 males and 282 females. The results of the study show that 1: 1. The rate of the subjects with love jealousy was 82.8, and that of the subjects with love jealousy was 39.5% by the love jealousy self-feeling scale. The total mean score of negative rational behavior in the four dimensions of the jealousy behavior response scale was the highest. 2. 2. There was no significant difference in the scores of love jealousy situational scale and love jealousy self-feeling scale. In the jealousy behavior response scale, only the score of escape behavior dimension was significantly different in gender, and the female score was higher than that of male. The score of love jealousy was significantly different in urban and rural areas, whether the only child was different, and whether there were children was not significant; the score of love jealousy self-perception scale was not significant in urban and rural areas, whether the only child, and whether there were children. In the jealousy behavior response scale, there was only retaliation, and there was a significant difference between urban and rural areas in the scores of the two dimensions of positive rational behavior. There was no significant difference between single child and no children. 3.66.33% of the subjects were in the middle level of the satisfaction of marriage. 1.57% of the subjects were very satisfied with the marriage, and 1.57% of the subjects were very dissatisfied with the marriage. The total score of marriage quality in sex, sufficient only, have no children, marriage status difference is not significant, there is significant difference in urban and rural areas, urban married people score higher than rural married people. 4. There was a significant difference in love jealousy between married men and women in high and low marriage quality groups. There was a significant positive correlation between the score of love jealousy and the total score of marriage quality, the score of love jealousy situation scale and amateur activities, and the scores of other dimensions other than relatives and friends. The score of love jealousy self-feeling scale was negatively correlated with the total score of marriage quality and the scores of each dimension. There was a significant negative correlation between the score of jealousy behavior scale and the dimensions of retaliatory behavior and evasive behavior and the total score of marriage quality and the scores of each dimension. The score of negative rational behavior in jealousy behavior scale was significantly positively correlated with the total score of marriage quality and the scores of each dimension. 6. Love jealousy can explain 30% of the variation in marital quality. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: there are different degrees of love jealousy between married men and women in China. Most people are moderately satisfied with their marriage. Love jealousy has a certain effect on the quality of marriage.
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