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发布时间:2018-06-28 02:06

  本文选题:社会发展 + 代价 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:和平与发展是21世纪的主题,我国也充分利用这一有利时机,狠抓落实,促进发展。然而,,在社会发展取得可喜成就的同时也出现了一系列社会问题,即社会发展代价。本文以科学发展观为指导,力求探寻社会发展代价的本质及其成因,从而找到解决社会发展代价问题的途径。 本文由四部分组成: 第一章“导言”。本章主要介绍选题依据和意义,并对国内外相关研究进行概括和综述,理出本文的研究思路和方法,指出研究重点、难点和创新点。 第二章“关注我国社会发展代价问题的重要性”。主要概述了社会发展代价的含义及类型、社会发展代价的特征及规律。并着重指出关注我国社会发展代价问题的意义。 第三章“我国社会发展中存在的代价问题及成因分析”。系统论述了在社会发展的过程中,我国社会发展中存在的代价:生态环境日益恶化,社会发展结构失衡,精神世界发展欠缺;并进一步分析了我国社会发展中代价的成因。 第四章“解决我国社会发展代价应遵循的原则”。阐述了解决我国社会发展代价应遵循的原则:该付得必须付,不该付的绝对不能付;该谁付的谁付,不该谁付的不能让其付;该付时要适时付,不该付时不能盲目付;该集中付的要集中付,不该集中付的要分开付。 社会的科学发展,最终目的还是为了人的发展,发展的过程更需要主体人发挥更大的作用。科学发展观是对高代价发展的反思,是时代和历史的必然产物,是人类文明的灿烂结晶。
[Abstract]:Peace and development are the theme of the 21st century. However, there are a series of social problems, that is, the cost of social development, along with the gratifying achievements in social development. Guided by the scientific concept of development, this paper tries to explore the essence and causes of the cost of social development, thus finding a way to solve the problem of the cost of social development. This paper consists of four parts: chapter one, introduction. This chapter mainly introduces the basis and significance of the selected topic, summarizes and summarizes the relevant studies at home and abroad, analyzes the research ideas and methods of this paper, and points out the key points, difficulties and innovative points of the research. Chapter two: the importance of paying attention to the cost of Social Development in China. The meaning and type of the cost of social development, the characteristics and laws of the cost of social development are summarized. It also points out the significance of paying attention to the cost of social development in China. Chapter three: analysis of the cost problems and causes in the social development of our country. This paper systematically discusses the costs of social development in our country in the process of social development, such as the worsening of ecological environment, the imbalance of social development structure and the lack of spiritual world development, and further analyzes the causes of the costs in social development in China. Chapter IV: the principles to be followed in solving the cost of social development in China. This paper expounds the principles to be followed in solving the cost of social development in our country: what should be paid must be paid, what should not be paid must not be paid, who should pay, who should not pay can't be paid, should pay in due time, and should not pay blindly when not to pay; What should be paid centrally, but what should not be paid centrally should be paid separately. The ultimate purpose of the scientific development of society is for the development of human beings, and the process of development needs the subject to play a greater role. The concept of scientific development is a reflection on the development of high cost, an inevitable product of the times and history, and a brilliant crystallization of human civilization.


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