本文选题:宗族 + 农民 ; 参考:《中共中央党校》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:农民政治参与和宗族问题是当前我国农村政治发展不可忽视的两个因素。宗族是中国传统社会中散布最广、影响最深远的农民共同体,对中国历史进程产生了深远影响。改革开放后,宗族在中国农村许多地区出现复兴之势,并逐渐在农村政治领域显示其影响。政治参与是民主政治的重要内容,是一个社会政治民主程度的重要标志,关系到我国农村的政治稳定、政治发展。本文主要采用文献研究的方法,通过梳理当前学界对农民政治参与问题和宗族问题的相关研究,讨论宗族对新时期我国农民政治参与的影响。 导论部分主要是对论文问题的提出、研究的意义、核心概念的解释、当前我国农村农民政治参与和宗族问题的研究综述及研究方法等作一个简要说明。 第一章对新时期农民政治参与的现状进行描述。新时期我国农民政治参与有了很大发展,包括农民政治参与自主性提高、参与的广度与强度得到拓展、政治参与的创新等;但也存在参与的低层次性、参与制度化水平不高、政治参与能力不足及由此导致的农民政治参与的高成本和低效能感等问题。第二章从制度化和非制度化参政两个方面讨论宗族对农民政治参与的影响。在农民制度化政治参与方面,宗族影响农民参与村民自治,既可能提高村民自治选举的竞争性和公正性,也可能操纵和扭曲选举,宗族也影响村干部的任职与行为;宗族对农民信访发挥抑制、调节、组织、动员等作用;宗族对农民参与县乡人大选举的影响微弱;宗族对农民参与乡村党组织建设有一定影响。在农民非制度化政治参与方面,宗族作为动员和组织力量刺激农民非制度化政治参与的发生。第三章分析宗族影响农民政治参与的原因,包括:制度化政治参与无法充分满足农民政治参与需求;宗族作为农民的“利益共同体”具备组织和动员农民政治参与的能力;农民政治参与的特点,即有限理性和精英动员。第四章讨论宗族影响农民政治参与的机制,主要从两个方面分析:宗族通过血缘关系和宗族精英组织和动员农民参政;宗族凭借与正式组织的关联性为农民的政治参与提供便利渠道。第五章评价宗族对农民政治参与的影响的性质,以及宗族因素在影响农民政治参与诸因素中的重要性。余论部分对宗族的历史变迁和农民政治参与对宗族的影响稍作探讨。
[Abstract]:Peasant's political participation and clan problem are two factors that can not be ignored in the current rural political development of our country. Clan is the most widespread and far-reaching peasant community in Chinese traditional society, which has a profound influence on the course of Chinese history. After the reform and opening up, clansmen appeared the tendency of renaissance in many rural areas of China, and gradually showed their influence in the rural political field. Political participation is an important content of democratic politics and an important symbol of the degree of social political democracy, which is related to the political stability and political development in rural areas of our country. This article mainly adopts the literature research method, through combing the current academic circles to the farmer political participation question and the clan question correlation research, discusses the clan to our country farmer political participation influence in the new period. The introduction part is a brief explanation of the proposition of the thesis, the significance of the research, the explanation of the core concept, the political participation of the rural peasants and the research of the clan problem in our country. The first chapter describes the current situation of farmers' political participation in the new period. In the new period, there has been great development in the political participation of farmers in our country, including the improvement of the autonomy of the political participation of farmers, the expansion of the breadth and intensity of participation, and the innovation of political participation, but there is also a low level of participation, and the level of institutionalization of participation is not high. Lack of ability of political participation and the problems of high cost and low efficiency of farmers' political participation. The second chapter discusses the influence of clan on farmers' political participation from two aspects of institutionalized and non-institutionalized participation in politics. In the aspect of farmers' institutionalized political participation, clan influences farmers' participation in villager autonomy, which may not only improve the competition and fairness of villager autonomy election, but also manipulate and distort the election, and clan also affect the post and behavior of village cadres. Clansmen play a role in restraining, regulating, organizing and mobilizing peasants' petitions and visits. The influence of clans on farmers' participation in the election of county and township people's congresses is weak; the clan has certain influence on farmers' participation in the construction of rural party organizations. In the aspect of peasants' non-institutionalized political participation, clan as mobilization and organization force stimulates the occurrence of peasants' non-institutionalized political participation. The third chapter analyzes the reasons why the clan affects the peasants' political participation, including: the institutionalized political participation can not fully meet the farmers' political participation needs, the clan as the farmers'"community of interests" has the ability to organize and mobilize the peasants' political participation; The characteristics of farmers' political participation, that is, limited rationality and elitist mobilization. The fourth chapter discusses the mechanism of clan influence farmers' political participation, mainly from two aspects: clan through blood relations and clan elite organization and mobilization of farmers to participate in politics; Clans provide convenient channels for farmers' political participation by their association with formal organizations. The fifth chapter evaluates the nature of clan's influence on peasant's political participation, and the importance of clan's factors in influencing peasant's political participation. The last part discusses the historical changes of clan and the influence of peasant's political participation on clan.
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